Released on 1/25/2024
GlideinWMS v3_10_6 has been released.
It is available in the osg-development repository for RHEL 7, RHEL 8, and RHEL 9 architectures and is undergoing testing.
Platforms tested and officially supported for production are EL7 with Python 3.6 and EL9 with Python 3.9.
This release adds a few features and bug fixes. It is a recommended upgrade from 3.10.5.
The full release notes are available here and a CHANGELOG is in the repository.
GIT: git checkout v3_10_6
RPMS: Available in the osg-development repo and Koji:
- The rebuilding of cvmfsexec distributions is disabled by default since 3.10.5, it must be enabled via the new factory knob. If you are upgrading from v3.9.5 or later, check that the cvmfsexec script is no more in the pre-reconfigure hooks directory.
- When using on-demand CVMFS, all Glideins after the first one on a node are failing. To avoid this we recommend using whole-node Glideins when using on-demand CVMFS.
- cvmfsexec builds for EL9 are incompatible with EL7. If you have an EL7 factory and use cvmfsexec, make sure the EL9 is disabled
What's Changed
- ready for release v3_10_5 by @mambelli in #361
- Improvements and fixes in glidein startup script by @mambelli in #373
- Add knobs to allow overloading of memory and CPU. fixes #370 by @mmascher in #374
- Update M2Crypto imports by @BrunoCoimbra in #377
- V310 tarball downloader by @mmascher in #366
- Fixed add_to_path() to avoid partial path matching by @mambelli in #379
- Add import_module function and fix MatchPolicy imports by @BrunoCoimbra in #380
- Advertising the submit attributes to the glidefactory ClassAd by @mambelli in #382
- Release v3 10 6 rc1 and spec file fix by @mambelli in #384
- Fixed syntax in gangliad ClassAd configuration by @mambelli in #385
- Fixed writing of missing dict file during upgrade by @mambelli in #391
- Workaround and extra logging to investigate bug in log rotation by @mambelli in #389
- ready for release v3_10_6_rc2 by @mambelli in #392
- Encoding + as PLUS in ClassAd attributes names by @mambelli in #393
Full Changelog: v3_10_5...v3_10_6