This repository contains 50+ Number programs in java designed to solve and verify various types of numbers, such as prime numbers, Armstrong numbers, decimal to binary, and many more. Users can easily check if a number belongs to a specific category by running the provided Java programs, and you can also find specific numbers within a given range.
To fully understand and utilize these programs, you should have a basic knowledge of the following Java concepts:
- Data types
- Control flow (if-else statements, loops)
- ASCII values
- Methods (including return and break statements)
- Scanner class and static members
- Please enter only positive integers.
- When converting from hexadecimal to decimal, ensure you enter only valid hexadecimal characters.
- The names of program files may differ from those provided below.
- Abundant Number
- Adam Number
- Amicable Number
- Armstrong Number
- Automorphic Number
- Binary to Decimal
- Bouncy Number
- Catalan Number
- Circular Prime Number
- Cube Number
- Decimal to Binary
- Decimal to Hexadecimal
- Decimal to Octal
- Deficient Number
- Digit Count
- Digit Sum
- Disarium Number
- Duck Number
- Dudeney Number
- Evil Number
- Factor of a Number
- Factorial of a Number
- Fascinating Number
- Fermat Number
- Fermat Prime Number
- Fibonacci Number
- Harshad Number
- HCF of 2 Numbers
- Hexadecimal to Decimal
- Kaprekar Number
- LCM of 2 Numbers
- Lucas Number
- Magic Number
- Mersenne Number
- Mersenne Prime Number
- Neon Number
- Octal to Decimal
- Palindrome Number
- Pell Number
- Perfect Number
- Peterson Number
- Power of a Number
- Prime Number
- Pronic Number
- Ramanujan Number
- Reverse of a Number
- Smith Number
- Spy Number
- Square Number
- Sum of N Natural Numbers
- Sum of Digits of a Number
- SuperPrime Number
- Triangular Number
- Trimorphic Number
- Twisted Prime Number
- Ugly Number
- DemoRangeofNo
- RangeofNo
To find the range of specified numbers, a separate program is provided in the "" file.
- Instructions:
- Carefully read the instructions included in this file.
- The "" file demonstrates how to use the range program specifically for Pell numbers, showing the list of Pell numbers within user-specified starting and ending values.
This repository is an excellent resource for exploring number theory using Java! For any suggestions or to connect with me, please check out my portfolio.