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Gini Bank SDK Xamarin Bindings and Examples

This repository contains projects to help you use the Android and iOS Gini Bank SDK with Xamarin.

Important: If you are using the Gini Vision Library please consult the Migrate from gini-vision-lib-xamarin section to update to the Gini Bank SDK.

New SDKs

We introduced three new SDKs: Gini Bank SDK, Gini Capture SDK, Gini Bank API Library.

Gini Bank SDK

The Gini Bank SDK (iOS, Android) builds upon the Gini Capture SDK and Gini Bank API Library to enable the photo payment feature while offering additional features like Gini Pay Connect and Return Assistant.

The Gini Bank SDK is the main entry point. You should only interact with the other SDKs through the Gini Bank SDK.

Gini Capture SDK

The Gini Capture SDK (iOS, Android) supersedes the Gini Vision Library (iOS, Android). We will often refer to the Gini Capture SDK because it is used to fulfill the same functionality as the Gini Vision Library did.

Gini Bank API Library

The Gini Bank API Library (iOS, Android) supersedes the Gini API SDK (iOS, Android).

You will only need to directly interact with the Gini Bank API Library if you implement a custom networking layer. If you use the default networking implementation you don’t need to interact with it.


Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac

  • Version >=8.10.13
  • Mono Framework Runtime >=



  • SDK Tools Version: 26.1.1
  • SDK Platform Tools Version: 31.0.3
  • SDK Build Tools Version: 31.0.0
  • Microsoft JDK >=11.0.12

Migrate from gini-vision-lib-xamarin

If you are using the bindings from the gini-vision-lib-xamarin repository then please consult the following instructions to migrate to the new bindings provided in this repository.


To add the new bindings to your project follow the steps described in How to use in a new project.

The public API of the Gini Bank SDK bindings is equivalent to the native public API. Therefore please consult the native Gini Bank SDK migration guide.

Please also check out the ExampleAndroidApp project to see how the new Android bindings are used.


To add the new iOS binding DLL follow the instructions described in iOS.

The GVLProxy has been replaced by the GiniCaptureProxy. Please consult the GiniBankSDKHelper.cs in the ExampleiOSApp project to see how it is used.

We added another proxy called GiniSDKProxy which is used for the Gini Pay Connect feature. You can view how it's used in the GiniBankSDKHelper.cs file.



Take a look at the Documentation to see how to use GiniBank SDK for Android.

How to use in a new project

  1. Set Target Android version to: Android 11 (API Level 30)
  2. Add references to the following projects:
  3. Add the following NuGet library:
  4. Add Camera permission to AndroidManifest.xml:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /


Customization of the Views is provided via overriding of app resources: dimensions, strings, colors, texts, etc. Take a look at the Customization Guide to see which resources can be overridden.

Example Project

You can see how to work with GiniBank SDK in the ExampleAndroidApp project.


  • Error AMM0000:
    Attribute application@label value=(....) from AndroidManifest.xml
    is also present at AndroidManifest.xmlvalue=(@string/app_name)."
    Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml
  • Error APT2260:
    style attribute 'attr/colorOnPrimary (aka gini.exampleandroidapp:attr/colorOnPrimary)' not found. ..."
    Suggestion: it can happen after installing the Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Vision NuGet package. Just update all other Nugets to the latest versions.
  • Other errors: try removing all .vs, bin/ and obj/ folders and restart Visual Studio.

Updating the bindings

To update the bindings project to the latest version of our native Android Gini Bank SDK do the following steps:

  1. Download latest version of the Android Gini Bank SDK and its dependencies from Maven Central:
    For example to update to version 1.7.0 go here, click on Downloads and select aar.
    Copy the aar to the GiniBank.Xamarin.Android/Jars/ folder and it to the GiniBank.Xamarin.Android project in Visual Studio.
    Important: don't forget to remove the old aar from the project.

    Do the same steps for all bindings

Note: If after updating you see errors, please take check the Xamarin java binding trooubleshooting page.


GiniBank SDK for iOS is provided as a DLL file called GiniBank.iOS.dll located in ExampleiOSApp. It needs to be added to your project as a reference.

The API for the iOS integration is provided through a proxy library (GiniBank.iOS.Proxy) and it's a limited version of what's available natively.

Please contact Gini if you need to access any functionality that isn't exposed. Only the Screen API is supported at this point.

Alternatively you may propose changes via pull requests and we'll gladly review them. You may consult our native Documentation to see all the available features and how to use them.

Example app

In order to run the example app on iOS, first add your domain, id, and secret to the Credentials.plist. Then you can run the app and test the extraction. The extractions are written to the console.

The example app is meant to provide a sample code to show how the GiniBank SDK can be used. Please see the GiniBankSDKHelper.cs in the ExampleiOSApp project to get you started.


In order to use the GiniBank SDK please ensure your project supplies the following:

  • Keychan capability should be enabled in Entitlements.plist
  • Camera Usage Description provided in the Info.plist
  • Photo Library Usage Description provided in the Info.plist (if you want to enable loading photographs from the user's Photo app)

The app will crash at various points of execution if the above are not provided.


Instantiate the GiniCaptureProxy and present the view controller accessible from the ViewController property:

GiniCaptureProxy gcProxy = new GiniCaptureProxy(domain, id, secret, _gConfiguration, _gcDelegate);
var gcViewController = gcProxy.ViewController;
_gcDelegate.GCViewController = gcViewController;

The GiniCaptureProxy initialiser takes your credentials (domain, id, and secret), a GiniConfigurationProxy instance, and a GiniCaptureDelegate instance.

The GiniConfigurationProxy allows you to configure different aspects of GiniBank SDK such as whether you want to display a flash toggle button, or what tint should the navigation bar have. Please refer to the example app to see the currently available options and to the native documentation for explanation of the options.

Implement the GiniCaptureProxyDelegate protocol in order to receive callbacks from GiniBank SDK with extraction results or to be informed about lack of thereof.


Components can be customized either through the GiniConfiguration, the Localizable.strings file or through the assets. Take a look at the Customization Guide to see which resources can be customized.


String customization is possible by adding GiniBank SDK's localized string keys with you own values to your Localizable.strings files.

The example adds, and localized string keys and own values to both the German and the English Localizable.strings file.


Some buttons in the GiniBank SDK UI can be customized by setting their title or image. To do that, set a property on yout GiniConfigurationProxy instance to a SimplePreferredButtonResource. The initaliser of SimplePreferredButtonResource takes two agruments: preferredImage and preferredText. If you want the button to have an icon, pass a UIKit.UIImage instance as the preferredImage and null as the preferredText. Pass your desired button title as preferredText if you want the button to have a text title.

For instance in order to set the close button to have a text title instead of the default cross icon:

GiniConfigurationProxy gConfiguration = new GiniConfigurationProxy();
gConfiguration.CloseButtonResource = new SimplePreferredButtonResource(null, "Close please");

Navigation Bar

To configure the look of the navigation bars in Gini Bank SDK you should use the GiniConfiguration instead of UIAppearance. This allows GiniBank SDK to prevent issues with the navigation bar colors in the UIDocumentPickerViewController.

If you use UIAppearance you should reset navigation bar related customizations before launching GiniBank SDK and restore them after GiniBank SDK has exited.

You can customize the following navigation bar and item properties:

GiniConfigurationProxy gConfiguration = new GiniConfigurationProxy
    NavigationBarItemTintColor = UIColor...,
    NavigationBarTintColor = UIColor...,
    NavigationBarTitleColor = UIColor...,
    NavigationBarItemFont = UIFont...,
    NavigationBarTitleFont = UIFont...,
    DocumentPickerNavigationBarTintColor = UIColor...,

Onboarding Pages

You can change the onboarding pages in two ways:

  1. By adding your array of custom UIViews to gConfiguration.OnboardingPages.
  2. By retrieving the default pages from gConfiguration.OnboardingPages then altering the order of the pages or remove/add pages. Pass the modified array to gConfiguration.OnboardingPages.

The buttons currently available for customization are:

Asset name in native documentation GiniConfigurationProxy property
navigationCameraClose CloseButtonResource
navigationCameraHelp HelpButtonResource
navigationReviewBack BackToCameraButtonResource
navigationReviewBack BackToMenuButtonResource
navigationReviewContinue NextButtonResource
navigationAnalysisBack CancelButtonResource


  • The app crashes at various points without an informative error message: please make sure that you have enabled all capabilities and provided all usage strings in your Info.plist file.
  • Document picker navigation bar buttons are not visible: please apply navigation bar customizations using the GiniConfiguration and reset your UIAppearance customizations related to navigation bars before launching GiniBank SDK. After GiniBank SDK has finished you can restore your UIAppearance customizations.

Updating the GiniBank.iOS.dll

  1. Open GiniBankProxy.xcodeproj in XCode and build in 'Any iOS device' and 'iOS simulator' modes for release.
  2. Go to /Users/{username}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData (you can also go to Xcode->Preferences->Locations-Derived Data to find the folder).
  3. Copy the Release-iphoneos and Release-iphonesimulator folders from .../DerivedData/GiniBankProxy(...)/Build/Products/ to GiniBank.iOS.Proxy/build/.
  4. Run ./
  5. The new GiniBank.iOS.dll will be generated and copied to the ExampleiOSApp folder.


Monorepo for Gini Xamarin Bindings







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