Converts a JPG to ASCII text art
Not complete. I got bored memorizing lines for a play and wanted to see how well this would work.
Gross code but kind of fun. I will come back to this.
##Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with OpenCV 3.0
#If you don't feel like building and running it I attached sample outputs and inputs in the resources directory. I used the Falcon 9 image that SpaceX is using for their Twitter profile
#Build steps ##Typical CMake build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
#Running it I provided you with a sample image to test it on 😏
cd build
./JPG-to-ASCII ../resources/MontagueHeadshot.jpg
#Viewing your ASCII art Here is an example. I used gedit to view the image but I had to make two changes:
- Disable text wrapping
- Edit->Preferences->View
- Under Text Wrapping uncheck the Enable text wrapping radio box
- Enable text resizing
- I followed this link
##After those changes...
cd build
gedit artwork/[FILENAME].txt