test.chuck is a utility library for test.check.
(this space intentionally left blank)
Please note that as of version 0.2.0, test.chuck (mostly) supports ClojureScript, and requires a minimum Clojure version of 1.7.0. Using ClojureScript requires a minimum test.check version of 0.8.0.
Dependency coordinates:
;; deps.edn
com.gfredericks/test.chuck {:mvn/version "0.2.14"}
;; leiningen
[com.gfredericks/test.chuck "0.2.14"]
(require '[com.gfredericks.test.chuck :as chuck])
A helper function for being able to scale your test run count with an
environment variable. To use with defspec
, simply wrap your test-count
argument in a call to times
(defspec foo-bar-test (chuck/times 20)
This will normally run the test 20 times, but if you set the
environment variable to e.g. 3.5
, it will run
the tests 70 times.
will be retrieved at compile-time.
(require '[com.gfredericks.test.chuck.generators :as gen'])
There are a few minor generators and helpers, see the docstrings for details:
(described below)string-from-regex
(described below)subsequence
(for subsets and similar)cap-size
A macro that uses the syntax of clojure.core/for
to provide the functionality
of gen/bind
, gen/fmap
, gen/such-that
, and gen/tuple
(gen'/for [len gen/nat
bools (gen/vector gen/boolean len)]
[len bools])
(gen/sample *1)
;; => ([0 []]
;; [0 []]
;; [2 [false true]]
;; [3 [true false true]]
;; [1 [true]]
;; [5 [true true false false true]]
;; [2 [false false]]
;; [1 [true]]
;; [8 [true false false true false false false false]]
;; [1 [true]])
(gen'/for [:parallel [n1 gen/nat
n2 gen/nat]
:when ^{:max-tries 20} (coprime? n1 n2)
:let [product (* n1 n2)]]
{:n product, :factors [n1 n2]})
(gen/sample *1)
;; => ({:n 1, :factors [1 1]}
;; {:n 0, :factors [1 0]}
;; {:n 2, :factors [1 2]}
;; {:n 0, :factors [0 1]}
;; {:n 6, :factors [3 2]}
;; {:n 20, :factors [4 5]}
;; {:n 0, :factors [1 0]}
;; {:n 4, :factors [1 4]}
;; {:n 24, :factors [3 8]}
;; {:n 14, :factors [2 7]})
is a suspiciously robust generator that will
generate strings matching a regular expression:
user> (gen/sample (gen'/string-from-regex #"([☃-♥]{3}|B(A|OO)M)*"))
It does not work with every regular expression, but its goal is to correctly recognize (and report) the usage of unsupported features, and to handle supported features in a comprehensive way.
Generated strings shrink in a natural way:
(def gen-cool-string
#"This string has (1 [A-Z]|[2-9]\d* [A-Z]'s)((, (1 [A-Z]|[2-9]\d* [A-Z]'s))*, and (1 [A-Z]|[2-9]\d* [A-Z]'s))?\."))
(def bad-prop
(prop/for-all [s gen-cool-string]
(not (re-find #"1 F" s))))
(t.c/quick-check 1000 bad-prop)
{:fail ["This string has 6309694848500700538 H's, 79102649012623413352 F's, 1 F, 59860 U's, 1 T, 1 W, 1 B, and 1 M."],
:failing-size 26,
:num-tests 27,
:result false,
:seed 1418877588316,
:shrunk {:depth 8,
:result false,
:smallest ["This string has 1 A, 1 F, and 1 A."],
:total-nodes-visited 27}}
Some of these could be supported with a bit of effort.
- All flags:
, etc. - Lookahead and lookbehind
- Reluctant and Possesive quantifiers:
, etc.- I'm not sure what these would mean anyhow
- Anchors:
... - Backreferences
- This is tricky at least because it introduces the possibility of unmatchable expressions
- Character class intersections
- The hex syntax for unicode characters outside the BMP:
- Named character classes:
, ...
is an alternative to
that uses the for
macro to interpret the binding clauses:
(require [com.gfredericks.test.chuck.properties :as prop'])
(prop'/for-all [a gen/pos-int
:when (even? a)
:let [b (/ a 2)]
xs (gen/vector gen/int b)]
(= (count xs) b))
The com.gfredericks.test.chuck.clojure-test
namespace contains a
couple macros that let you write property-based tests using the
side-effecting (is ...)
assertions normally used with
The checking
macro is intended to be used with
(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
'[com.gfredericks.test.chuck.clojure-test :refer [checking]])
(deftest my-test
(checking "that positive numbers are positive" 100
[x gen/s-pos-int]
(is (pos? x))
(is (> x 0))))
The for-all
macro is intended to be used with
(require '[clojure.test.check.clojure-test :refer [defspec]]
'[com.gfredericks.test.chuck.clojure-test :refer [for-all]])
(defspec positive-number-positivity-spec 100
(for-all [x gen/s-pos-int]
(is (pos? x))
(is (> x 0))))
More details in this blog post.
I welcome pull requests for any test.check utility that seems halfway reasonable.
For clj, be sure to use leiningen 2.5.2. (so it picks up .cljc files) and do as usual:
$ lein test
For cljs bensu/doo is configured so the tests can be run with:
$ lein doo node node-test
Minimum required node version for lein doo
is 0.12. It also works on 4.0.0. nvm
might be used to switch node versions
To run with slimer.js, phantom or rhino:
# replace {js-env} with phantom, slimer or rhino
$ lein doo {js-env} test
- @lackita for creating
- @weavejester for creating the original regex->string code
- @miner for various help with the
generator - @nberger for adapting to cljc format for ClojureScript, and general maintenance help
Copyright © 2016 Gary Fredericks
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.