Much of this project was done on the cloud via (Firecloud v2) workflows or Google VMs. As such, if you need access to the Terra workspaces, please email [email protected].
User Warning: Many of the bash scripts used to train and evaluate the models use nohup commands - if your CPU is not able to tolerate the amount of jobs, consider modifying your local version to serially run the models.
- Remap the labels from the consensus nmf job above: src_python/
- Compute q-values per gene: src_python/
- Generate baseline probabilities: src_python/
- Create gene footprint table: src_python/
conda create --name Classifier
conda activate Classifier
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
conda install pandas
conda install matplotlib
conda install scikit-learn
Run model training bash scripts (warning: this will launch many jobs, do not launch at all once)
Evaluate all trained models: src_python/
Combine training history: src_python/
Most plots are generated via R
- Step 1: src_R/plot_step1.R
- Step 2A: src_R/plot_step2A.R
- Step 2B: src_R/plot_step2B.R
- Step 2C: src_R/plot_step2C.R
- Step 2T: src_R/plot_step2T.R
- Sens/Spec experiments: src_R/plot_sensitivity_specificity_experiment.R
- Model training history: src_R/plot_training_history.R