A maven style nodejs project maker. Supports gulp and docker too.
I have developed this in JS, not in coffee, because, the generator defaulted some code and I needed something quick. I intend to coffee-ize this code sometime in the future.
Warning: The generator does not default the libraries to a known combination of the dependent tools. Maintaining that kinda config would make this tool less useful, I feel. Each developer would have a preference on the wiring this tool for now just defaults to latest.
- For 0.11.x projects I had to use gulp-coffee-es6
First, install Yeoman and generator-mavenjs using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-mavenjs
Then generate your new project:
yo mavenjs
- Coffee-ize
- Support Grunt based pipeline
- Expand docker support
- Add Jasmine test support
ISC © Arun N. Kumar