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usage: app.py [-h] --period --t1 --t2 --tz
Print periodic tasks timestamps
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--period The supported periods are: 1h, 1d, 1mo, 1y.
--t1 t1 in UTC with seconds accuracy, in the following form:
--t2 t2 in UTC with seconds accuracy, in the following form:
--tz timezone e.g --tz=Europe/Athens ,see
http://pytz.sourceforge.net/ and
docker run --rm -ti gerrykou/peri-task-timestamps bash -c "app.py --period=1d --tz=Europe/Athens --t1=20211010T204603Z --t2=20211115T123456Z"
docker run --rm -ti gerrykou/peri-task-timestamps bash -c "python -m unittest discover test"
docker build -t peri-task-timestamps .
docker run --rm -ti peri-task-timestamps bash -c "app.py --period=1d --tz=Europe/Athens --t1=20211010T204603Z --t2=20211115T123456Z"
docker run --rm -ti peri-task-timestamps bash -c "python -m unittest discover test"
python3 -m venv venv
venv/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
venv/bin/python src/app.py --period=1h --tz=Europe/Athens --t1=20211010T204603Z --t2=20211115T123456Z
venv/bin/python -m unittest discover test
venv/bin/python -m unittest test.test_app.TestApp.test_datetime_obj2string
make install
make run
make run-all
make run-test
make run-one-test
in shell in the /src run :
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
chmod +x src/app.py
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
app.py --period=1d --tz=Europe/Athens --t1=20211010T204603Z --t2=20211115T123456Z
See Run in Linux, run after export PATH:
dos2unix src/app.py
python3 -m unittest discover test
python3 -m unittest test.test_app.TestApp.test_datetime_obj2string