Determine if two rectangles intersect each other.
npm install rectangles-intersect
var intersects = require('rectangles-intersect');
inersects(rect1,rect2 [,precision]);
rect1 and rect2 are rectangles, array of corner points. Whereas point is array of x and y coordinate.
precision after decimal places, default is 6
var intersects = require('rectangles-intersect');
var check = intersects(
[[0,10], [10,0], [20,10], [10,20]],
[[10,10], [20,0], [30,10], [20,20]]);
if (check) {
console.log('two rectangles intersect');
## note
In this module my approach is:
check 1: intersection of any edge of rectangle with another rectangle's edges
check 2: any corner point of rectangle is inside another rectangle
If check 1 or check 2 satisfies then rectangles intersect otherwise not.
This approach is not quite efficient. For improving efficiency get the implementation of [Separating Axis Theorem](, read more at [wiki](
## developing
Once you run
```npm isntall```
then for running test
```npm run test```
to create build
```npm run build```
## License
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.