docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Now NextCloud should be available at:
docker-compose run \
--user `id -u` \
--entrypoint="" \
-v $(PWD)/extension:/src/extension \
nextcloud make -C /src/extension/ test
# Start with version 22.2.2-apache
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose build --build-arg BASETAG=22.2.2-apache
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f nextcloud
# Copy src volume content in a temporary directory
sudo rm -rf /tmp/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src
sudo cp -rp /home/amorvan/data/docker/volumes/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src/_data /tmp/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src
# Try an upgrade to 22.2.3-apache
sudo rm -rf /home/amorvan/data/docker/volumes/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src/_data
sudo cp -rp /tmp/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src /home/amorvan/data/docker/volumes/nextcloud-app_nextcloud_src/_data
docker-compose build --build-arg BASETAG=22.2.3-apache
docker-compose rm --stop -f nextcloud
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f nextcloud
Show NextCloud logs:
docker-compose exec nextcloud sh -c "tail -f data/nextcloud.log | jq"
NextCloud base image:
Debuggage VSCode:
Set log level to debug:
docker-compose exec --user www-data nextcloud php occ config:system:set --type="integer" --value="0" "loglevel"
Run synchronization:
cat <<EOF | docker-compose exec -T nextcloud_db psql -U nextcloud
UPDATE oc_jobs SET last_run = 0, reserved_at = 0 WHERE id = 36;
UPDATE oc_appconfig SET configvalue = '0' WHERE appid = 'user_ldap' AND configkey = 's01_lastChange';
docker-compose exec --user www-data nextcloud php cron.php
Display list of LDAP users:
cat <<EOF | docker-compose exec -T nextcloud_db psql -U nextcloud
SELECT * FROM oc_ldap_user_mapping;
Display logs:
make logs