加重ラウンドロビン(Weighted Round Robin, WRR)も、静的ロードバランシングのための一般的なアルゴリズムです。WRRの原理はRRと同じですが、唯一の違いは各サーバーに重み(ウェイト)が割り当てられていることです。この重みは各サーバーの構成と要求処理能力を表しています。例えば、サーバーAの構成がサーバーBの2倍であれば、サーバーAはサーバーBの2倍の要求を処理します。
# The load balancing algorithms supported by the balancer are:
# `round-robin` ,`random` ,`p2c` ,`consistent-hash` ,`least-load` ,`bounded` ,`ip-hash`,
# Among these,`p2c` refers to the power of 2 random choice,
# `bounded` refers to consistent hash with bounded.
schema: http # support http and https
port: 8088 # port for balancer
tcp_health_check: true
health_check_interval: 3 # health check interval (second)
# The maximum number of requests that the balancer can handle at the same time
# 0 refers to no limit to the maximum number of requests
max_allowed: 100
location: # route matching for reverse proxy
- pattern: /
proxy_pass: # URL of the reverse proxy
- "http://localhost:9001"
- "http://localhost:9002"
- "http://localhost:9000"
balance_mode: round-robin # load balancing algorithm
- pattern: /api/v1/Policies # demo policies pattern
proxy_pass: # URL of the reverse proxy
- "http://localhost:9000"
- "http://localhost:9002"
balance_mode: round-robin # load balancing algorithm
- pattern: /api/v1/user # demo users pattern
proxy_pass: # URL of the reverse proxy
- "http://localhost:9000"
- "http://localhost:9001"
balance_mode: round-robin # load balancing algorithm
# email config
#smtp_host: smtp.mailtrap.io
#smtp_port: 2525
#username: fca5b15809ec4c
#password: 467c483b24279c
#sender: GenBalancer <[email protected]>
smtp_host: smtp.gmail.com
smtp_port: 587
username: username
password: password
sender: email sender
recipient: email recipient