Releases: genomic-medicine-sweden/nallo
Releases · genomic-medicine-sweden/nallo
- Added initial nf-test to pipeline and subworkflows
- Added test profile and CNV-calling for ONT-data
- Added repeat expansion annotation with stranger
- Added additional annotation of SNVs and INDELs, including CADD-scores for INDELs
- Added ranking of SNVs and INDELs with genmod
- Added citations, references and additional tools to the MultiQC report
- Updated DeepVariant to 1.6.1 for improved haploid variant calling
- Updated output file organisation
- Updated and improved usage and output documentation
- BAM files are now treated as the primary input file type, improving processing time
- Fixed tags in input BAM files being transfered over to (re)aligned BAM (#231)
- Fixed duplicate SNVs in outputs when providing a BED-file with overlapping regions (#252)
Known issues
- Genmod assigns wrong model types on chrX
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
What's changed
- Added somalier to automatically infer and update the sex of samples with unknown sex, and paraphase to call paralogous genes
- Added the ability to use multiple input files per sample
- Updated output files and directories
- Updated usage and output documentation
- Updated software versions for samtools to 1.20, bcftools to 1.20, gfastats to 1.3.6, mosdepth to 0.3.8, bgzip to 1.19.1, tabix to 1.19.1, minimap2 to 2.28, hifiasm to 0.19.8 and modkit to 0.3.0
- Fixed missing software versions in reports
- Fixed a nondescriptive error when no
was supplied
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0