The purpose of the computers and fluids discussion group is to meet and discuss ideas for the numerical simulation of fluids.
We’ll start by defining what is out of scope: research results. There are plenty of other forums for presenting research: research seminars and conferences, for example.
What’s in-scope? Everything else. Discussions will range from numerical methods, tools and libraries, novel computer architectures, new languages, and workflows for HPC use or visualisation. Basically, all the techniques and tools that support modelling and simulation work.
Discussion sessions will run an hour. A standard format would be no more than 30 minutes from a presenter followed by group discussion. Discussion can be structured in other manners as appropriate: as a demo, as an interactive tutorial, a mini-lecture series or presenting a research paper (on methods).
If you have an idea for a topic, write to the list conveners to be added as a speaker.
Tues 05 Sep, 2:30p—3:30p : Lukasz Laniewski-Wollk in 08-388 (Goddard Building)
Tues 19 Sep, 2:30p—3:30p : Lachlan Whyborn in 78-222 (General Purpose South Building)
Tues 03 Oct, 2:30p—3:30p : Nick Gibbons in 78-222 (General Purpose South Building)
Tues 17 Oct, 2:30p—3:30p : Jakub Galecki in 78-222 (General Purpose South Building)
Tues 31 Oct, 2:30p—3:30p : Dmytro Sashko in 78-222 (General Purpose South Building)