- Automatic scan for COM ports performed on startup of app, closes #72.
- Added ability to have multiple terminals open within the same NinjaTerm application window, closes #73.
- "Busy COM port" error is now handled correctly, closes #74.
- Added flashing caret to end of terminal text.
- Added "Exit" item to "File" menu, closes #75.
- Changed colour of open/close button so that it is green/red, and added play/stop icons, closes #76.
- Added ability to send characters to COM port, closes #77.
- Added local echo option for TX characters, closes #78.
- Added statistics sub-tab, closes #79.
- Added flashing TX/RX activity indicators, closes #80.
- Added layout options for RX/TX tab, closes #81.
- Changed the "UTF-8" decoding option to "ASCII", closes #83.
- Added buffer limit for TX and RX data, closes #86.
- Added auto-scroll to status message pane, closes #87.
- Wrapping width textfield is greyed out when wrapping is disabled, closes #88.
- Added auto-scroll to TX pane, closes #89.
- Added special delete behaviour for backspace button when in "send on enter" mode, closes #90.