Jenkins plugin that automates the deployment of GBIF web services.
For information of how to develop Jenkins plugins, please follow this link.
This plugin requires:
- Git must be installed in the Jenkins machine where it runs.
- A Jenkins system StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials must be defined which has contain Git credentials to access the Github repos and The odd behaviour of resetting the credential after a Jenkins restart is necessary here.
- The option "Delete workspace before build" must be selected (otherwise c-deploy isn't updated; TODO)
- Ansible 1.7.1
- Python 2.7.5
- Python libraries: requests, kazoo and pip.
- A key stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa will be used to connect to the servers contacted by the Ansible playbooks.
This plugin can be used to deploy a single service or an entire environment; to deploy an entire environment the plugin can be added as post-build step without selecting a GBIF service.
All the required configuration is taken from the GBIF Github repos and
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000,suspend=n"
$ mvn hpi:run
$ mvn package
To release this plugin use the Maven command
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
For more information see