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Backbone feedback workflow

CamiSilver edited this page Jun 28, 2024 · 1 revision

The backbone feedback workflow is under construction and subject to changes

There are five possible stages:

  • Todo: The GBIF team has made the first triage of the issues, we know it is related to the backbone but haven't checked it in depth.
  • Data provider: After further investigating the issue, the team identified that it comes from a source dataset, and a request has been sent to the specific data provider. The source dataset can be either from the base release or the extended-release.
  • Xrelease: There is an editorial action needed from the COL team via the extended-release to fix the issue. At this point, any data-provider action should have taken place already.
  • Fixed COL: The issue has been fixed on COL, either on the base release or the xrelease (once it becomes public).
  • Done: The issue has been fixed on the GBIF Backbone and can be closed.


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