This is an implementation of the board game DVONN. Instructions for how to play are provided on the splash screen. This project uses stack, and you can play using stack run
The ordered overview of the files is as follows:
Defs.hs: Top-level file containing the type declarations for this project.
Board.hs: generic functions that compute properties of and operate on boards.
Move.hs: pure functions that validate and parse moves on boards
Game.hs: A file defining the game monad as well as sequences of computations that determine the control flow of the game
IOInterface.hs: A module for printing boards to the screen
Test/Spec.hs: Unit tests and quickcheck properties validating the game
main/Main.hs: The main file from which dvonn games are played
main/Demo.hs: Intermediate files that can be used to play the game from intermediate states
Written by Emily Diana and Gautam Mohan. Original board game created by Kris Burm.