Note: All steps were performed using on Windows 10.
- Clone the Repo:
$ git clone
- Change directory into the folder named elib
- Install all the gems
$ bundle install
- Make migrations, Seed data into the database and Run the server
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
$ rails server
The above steps starts the development server on localhost:3000. Go to
in your browser. It will automatically redirect you to the Home page and then ask for Signup or Login. -
bootstrap-sass 3 used for styling many parts of the app and after adding small changes final could build beautiful UI
$ gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails'
$ gem 'devise-bootstrap-views'
- Multiple Image upload capability
- seperate dashboard for normal and admin user
- "Active storage used for image storing feature"
- show page for separate user and user can see their all request USER DASHBOARD
- admin can see all request, books, and can manage all these from ADMIN DASHBOARD
- only admins can download all request in csv format from ADMIN DASHBOARD
- admin can approve and reject request
- admin dashboard has seperate tab for pending, approved, and rejected books
- user can return any of his approved book
- user can not make request for same book again and again if
- already approved
- already a pending request exists
- if request is rejected he can make new request for same book again
- User profile picture
- after rejecting any request from admin any user can make request after certain time only for the book
- admin can download request list in any format of his/her choise
- improve view