BlackClue is a python tool and package to extract GPS and acceleration data from BlackVue MP4 recordings. It is based on the excellent pymp4. While developed and tested with a BlackVue DR750S-1CH it should work with other models of that brand.
BlackClue is licensed unter the Apache 2.0 License.
BlackClue can be installed from the Python Package Index:
python3 -m pip install blackclue
Used as a command line tool, BlackClue provides the following functionality:
$ blackclue -h
Usage: blackclue [OPTIONS] filelist
Extract GPS and Acceleration data from BlackVue MP4 recordings.
BlackVue extracts data embedded in the MP4 recordings of a BlackVue
-c, --dump-embedded Dump complete embedded data.
-r, --dump-raw-blocks Dump raw blocks from embedded data.
-x, --extended-scan Do not stop scanning file after processing the
embedded data.
-v, --verbose Print some additional information.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Leave bug reports and feature requests on
Fix problems with PyPI release.
First release on PyPI. Thanks to Bart Broere, BlackClue can now also be used as a package.
First release on GitHub