This is a plugin for FusionDirectory that add some informations about each ldap entry. Its useful because the description field is only a text field without any history
It was designed to be a light change management system for Fusiondirectoy. FusionDirectory lack a way to get the history in the lifcycle of component. For example : "2021-08-30 : I restarted the server due to CPU overload"
We need to fetch the current user as the author of the notes We need to study a way to add some rich text ( like url, bold text, or bullet point ) We need to provide a way to disable removing and editing line .
git mv fusiondirectory-plugins-notes notes
ldap-schema-manager -i ./notes/contrib/schema/notes-fd.schema
Setting fd_home to /usr/share/fusiondirectory
Installing FusionDirectory's plugins
Where is your plugins archive or folder?:
<complete current path>
Available plugins:
fusiondirectory-setup --update-cache --update-locales
see screenshoot