This demo shows the use of gunicorn with flask. Original credit goes to Max Meinhold. It includes a basic Dockerfile, a linting demonstration using Pylint, and a Travis CI configuration for running linting.
This is not an in depth guide in how these tools work, but a basic starting point and reference.
Make sure to change my name and email if you use this template, especially in the license.
Locally running this application should be pretty simple.
- (optional) Use a virtualenv
- Why use a venv? It isolates your dependencies and helps prevent version conflicts with other projects or system dependencies.
python3 -m venv venv
will create a venv in a directory named venvsource ./venv/bin/activate
will activate the venv
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app
gunicorn demo:APP --bind=localhost:5000
- Visit localhost:5000 in your web browser.
This demo uses pylint.
Travis CI will automatically run pylint on commits and PRs, but you can also run pylint manually, using pylint demo
The pylint_quotes plugin is loaded by the pylintrc and will ensure standardised quotation mark formats.