Applets for mate-panel
to show various window controls. The original author delete their GitHub repository, so this in an import from the source uploaded to Debian.
- WindowButtons applet shows the close,minimize,actions in a panel.
- WindowLabel applet shows the class,title,role,xid,pid of the active window.
- WindowMenu applet shows you the window menu of the active window.
On Ubuntu MATE 18.04 or newer:
sudo apt install mate-window-buttons-applet mate-window-menu-applet mate-window-title-applet
- meson
- ninja
- vala
- Gtk3
- Gdk3
- libwnck3
meson --prefix=/usr build
cd build
sudo ninja install
sudo ./ install
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo ninja uninstall
sudo ./ uninstall
- GPLv3
See the LICENSE file.