Welcome! As a study group learn about Machine Learning by exploring topics selected by the group to help understand machine learning. Large collections of visual information are stored in family photos. We'll start exploring what tools and techniques of machine learning can help us understand those photo collections better. This study group will meet once a month on the first Sunday of the month during FUBAR labs open hack Sundays.
Everyone is encouraged to bring and example problem, topic, or question to share for the study group.
Please join our mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ai-and-machine-learning-study-group
Several Useful Resources are compiled in this Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11cInke-WpQX-s-ZlZNLf5HIwd-2o0qGDX7gfwfkdXwA/edit?usp=sharing
Most examples are easiest to show using Jupyter Notebook (). Here's a short video that is a decent over view. If you can find one even better please recommend so we can update. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eCHD6f_phE
When we show more intensive examples that require training we commonly use Google's Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/
Use family photos and learn about machine learning to create and maintain your own family archive.