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Mondo Online Services

debrecenics edited this page Dec 17, 2015 · 2 revisions

MONDO Online Services

Installation and setup guide

Install Java

Download and install the latest version of Java Runtime Environment and Java Development Kit from

Download Eclipse IDEs

Download and extract Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from and Eclipse Modeling Tools from

Setting up the Model Handler application

The following steps require the downloaded Eclipse Modeling Tools IDE and projects from the mondo-collab-framework and mondo-collab-internal repositories.

Step 1 - Start Eclipse

Start Eclipse, setup a workspace.

Step 2 - Project imports

Import the following projects:

  • es.ikerlan.wt.emf.model: metamodel and the genmodel
  • the OSGi framework, implementing an SVN client to retrieve models for users from a preconfigured SVN repository REST interface that parses and provides the initial models for the sessions in JSON format

Step 3 - Generate metamodel code

Open es.ikerlan.wt.emf.model/model/WTSpec4M40_benchmark.genmodel in Eclipse then right click on the root of the appearing tree model and select Generate Model Code.

Step 4 - Target platform

Open in the project root of with the Target editor of Eclipse. (right click, Open With) and click on Set as Target Platform in the upper right corner of the Target Editor.

Step 5 - Setup model folders

Open with text editor and set the following properties:

  • temporary_folder_path: the path of the folder that will be used by the framework to store temporary json files
  • repository_url: URL of the repository that will be used to retrieve the models for the corresponding user (http://localhost/svn/testrepo/ for instance)
  • working_copy_path: this will be used to save the SVN working copies for each user in their own folder under the working copy path

Step 6 - Run

Right click on the project and select Run As/Run Configurations.... In the popup window select OSGi Framework/OnlineCollab then click Run.

Setting up the Online Collaboration Tool

The following steps require the downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers and projects from the mondo-collab-framework repository.

Step 1 - Start Eclipse, install Vaadin plugin

Start Eclipse, setup a workspace. Install the **Vaadin ** plugin via Help/Eclipse Marketplace.... (In the search tab type "Vaadin" in the Find field, hit enter and install the first result.)

Step 2 - Project imports

Import the following projects:

  • the manager server of the modeling sessions, storing the current state of the models and implementing the communication between the instances of the client application
  • MondoOnlineCollaborationClient: a Vaadin client application implementing the web-based interface session handler and modeling interface

Step 3 - Setup Glassfish

Download and extract the Java EE 7 Full Platform Glassfish 4.1 as a zip archive from

Download the Glassfish Tools plugin via Help/Eclipse Marketplace.... (In the search tab type "Glassfish" in the Find field, hit enter and install the first result.)

In Eclipse go to Window/Preferences and select Server/Runtime Environment. Click the Add button and select GlassFish/Glassfish 4 then click next. Select the server root (e.g.: D:/Program Files/glassfish_4.1/glassfish4/glassfish) and set the Java Development Kit (in case only a JRE is shown in the dropdown select click Manage Eclipse Java Runtimes right to the dropdown, and setup the JDK by clicking _Add _ -> Standard VM -> and set the JRE Home to point to the root of the installed JDK e.g.: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45). Click finish.

Step 4 - Create a Glassfish server

Open the Servers view using Window/Show View/Servers. Right click in the plain area of this view and select New/Server. Select GlassFish 4 click Next then Finish.

Step 5 - Run applications

Start by right clicking on the project and selecting Run As/Run On Server and clicking Finish.

Wait for the Server to start up and the application to be deployed then start MondoOnlineCollaborationClient the same way.

Once MondoOnlineCollaborationClient is deployed as well the application can be accessed via the http://localhost:8080/MondoOnlineCollaborationClient/#!Login URL using a web-browser.