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Fabrizio Stellato edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

Xrns2MOD is a tool that convert renoise song format to mod or xm format

Things to know


First off download both Xrns2XMod main application and tool
The tool is an essential UI utility either for converting the song to desired format or help the user to set correct command values

Adjusting volume sample on Renoise

While mod/xm do not have a volume value for sample (they have a default sample volume instead), Xrns2XMod can use 2 distinct approach to let the sample play with the same Renoise's volume.

Sample mode (default)
Xrns2XMod can "readjust" the sample data according to the Renoise volume value set for each sample These images show the result of the re-sample process based from the original sample volume

renoise original sample, with volume set to -10 db

converted sample

Column mode (xm only)

With column mode, any volume effect will be scaled according to the original volume of the playing sample. Notice that also default volume for sample (if is not equal to 64) is taken into consideration. The sample data remains unchanged.

An example of the volume column conversion with 2 samples (one on the left and one on the right): volume value is 0db

right volume value is -12db

Default Sample Volume

Renoise can't handle default volume sample, by the way it is possible to set a default volume for the sample in Xrns2XMod and then simulate it by setting the default volume value on second effect column of renoise (which is always ignored by Xrns2Xmod itself)

Use the helper tool to assign the default volume and assign a key assigned to this macro feature

the default volume macro will assign the value to the second effect column of the line selected

See below this documentation to read about instruments settings dialog tool

Global volume effect

Starting from Renoise 2.8, Global effect volume must be set inside the mastertrack column

Xrns2XMod get the the volume effect command seeking the mastertack first column and then set the result on the first free column effect found starting from the left. An example below:

Global Volume

The Global Volume effect, put on the free empty slot

Therefore, take care to leave an empty slot on any instrument track in the line after using global volume effect

Playback options


OS Mode can be set in either ways, because Xrns2XMod can convert the Renoise value to Amiga/FT2. Btw, keep in mind that samples over 65536 bytes might have inaccurate value.

Pitch Mode can be used in either Renoise or Amiga/FT2 mode. In order to use Extrafine portamento values, use Renoise mode instead of Amiga/FT2 Notice: if value is set to Renoise, use the Helper Tool window to not mess up with wrong or inaccurate values.

Note about pitch on MOD format
On MOD format, portamento effects are consistent throughout the note scale (see the Amiga linear frequency table).
Since version 4.x, Xrns2XMod scan any note / portamento though pattern to achieve the right portamento value for played frequency.

Command Line

usage for command line is:

Xrns2ModCmd.exe «inputFile»

-t|type [ mod | xm ] (destination format)
-portresh (Portamento treshold value (0-4, default: 2) (affects only mod)
-ptmode (ProTracker note range limitation) (default: true)
-volscal (scale volume according to renoise sample volume) [ none | sample | volume ] (default: sample)
-tempo [32 - 512] initial tempo value (affects only xm)
-ticks [1 - 31] initial ticks / row value (affects only xm)
-out «file» (output filename)
-log file» (log filename)
-bass_email {bass email}
-bass_code {bass_code}



Specifies the format destination format

-portresh (default: 2)

When set to 4, Portamento will be prefered to ExtraFine Portamento command at the cost of inaccurate tone. Set 0 to always use ExtraFine Portamento (whenever possible) even when finetune value of 1 may be loss (discouraged)

-ptmode (affects only mod)

if set to false, extended NOT-ProTracker notes are available

-volscal=[value] Volume scaling, based to renoise sample volume

possibile values are: none: renoise's sample volume won't affect the resulted mod/xm's sample sample: target sample data will change according to renoise volume volume: renoise sample volume will affect volume column of playing channel (only for xm)

See also Sample Volume for further information:

-tempo Initial tempo for xm modules [32 - 512]

-ticks Initial tempo for xm modules [1 - 31]

**-out «filename» **

output filename.

default value is the same name of the source with the target format extension.

**-log «filename» **

log filename.

-bass email «bass email»

set bass email for registrated user

-bass code «bass code»

set bass code for registrated user

Window GUI


The Xrns2XMod GUI is the windows interface to access all the Xrns2XMod features


Download the Xrns2XMod Tool here



With menu it is possible to access to windows or templates, demo or other Xrns2XMod stuff. Some menu may be disabled according to the context or if main application path is not set

Control Panel


With control panel it is possible to locate Xrns2XMod application path



Main window for converting and adjust specific conversion settings



Window that help user to set correct portamento/volume values without messing up with accuracy conversion

Instrument Settings


Assign sample's default volume and sample rate for each sample.

Default value for volume is 64, while the converted sample rate is the actual sample rate


Xrns2XMod Shell on Ubuntu platform screenshot from 2014-10-28 08-14-11

Xrns2XMod UI running on Ubuntu OS

Run Xrns2XMod

To run Xrns2XModShell under Linux / OsX, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install mono runtime for your running OS from this page
  2. Download latest Xrns2XMod release for your running OS from this page
  3. Run mono Xrns2ModShell.exe [args]

Compile Xrns2XMod

  1. Download and install mono runtime for your running OS from this page
  2. Execute the following command for CLI version: xbuild <project.csproj> /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=portable /p:Platform="x64" /p:OutputPath=<output_path>
  3. Replace bass.dll, bassmix.dll, bassflac.dll with proper libraries (download from un4seen site ) or take the libraries from the xrns2xmod binaries

For example, the following will compile and build Xrns2XMod CLI binaries to $HOME/xrns2xmod path: xbuild Xrns2XModCmd/Xrns2XModCmd.csproj /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=portable /p:Platform="x64" /p:OutputPath=$HOME/xrns2xmod



Video tutorial
Demonstration video


Look into Resources folder under executable folder


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Lack of Time.xrns a pro tracker convertible module (read Song Comments before convert)
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