enrolment plugin for moodle from 3.x to autoenrol in conjunction with the open school server or other ldap servers enrol_oss.
It is supposed to work with the Open School Server (www.openschoolserver.net) and other ldap servers that provide user and group information like for example the IServ ldap server (there is an excellent step-by-step guide to connect enrol_oss to IServ ldap).
It is crafted for an LDAP structure.
It needs the auth_ldap module working to get the users authenticated through LDAP and enrols those users to courses depending on the field $course->idnumber.
In version 2.4.3 there was a long standing bug fix, which matches now cohort names case sensitive. This is necessary for consistent behavior but may break environments, where case sensitiveness was handled somewhat sloppy.
This module needs the Auth-Plugin auth_ldap and the enrolment plugin enrol_cohort to be active to work properly.
This module is processed on an hourly basis, as is enrol_cohort equally.
The module auth_ldap is not automatically processed by cron. There is a scheduled task available but it is deactivated by default.
Activate it and schedule it for hourly execution.
To use this new feature you need to create the parent role as outlined in https://docs.moodle.org/34/en/Parent_role. The role shortname needs to match configuration on the settings page.
The parents can be imported from file, which needs to be of certain structure.
E-Mail can be fake mail with example.com but needs to be unique, f.e. "nobody####@example.com" with student no. ####. There is a patch discussed on https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=96114 which makes non unique email addresses possible. This patch is very helpful, because parents of siblings get multiple parent accounts. In newer moodle versions there is the setting "allowaccountssmaeemail", which reduces the mentioned patch to the file emailupdate.php.
username must be "eltern_####", where #### is the student no. in ldap structure.
The number is used to create the relationship between parent and student automatically.
2024-10-03 fix: match cohort names case sensitive in enrolment, too (2.4.3)
2024-08-03 fix: cohort names are case sensitive and need to be
2023-10-25 compatibility with php 8.0 and ldap servers without wildcard search
2021-02-26 ignore whitespace around cohort names in idnumber list
2021-01-26 fix ccteacher context levels
2020-07-16 add all students and age groups classes
2018-02-06 add parent account management
2017-11-28 add classes creation/removing and enrolment
2017-08-19 fixed dn handling, coursecat movements
2016-11-30 added option member_attribute_isdn for dn handling
2016-11-30 initial port from enrol_openlml
Hildesheim, Germany
Frank Schütte,2016-2024([email protected])