Kompact is a Free Fork CMS theme, built with a minimalistic approach in mind, so you can focus on the content. Kompact was originally made for Kirby CMS by Joro Yordanov and can be found here.
- Minimal design with focus on typography and white space
- Responsive typography
- Smooth page transitions
- Choose between Off-Canvas and Standard navigation
- CodeKit config file included
- No-JS fallbacks
- SCSS structure for easy customisation of:
- Colours
- Typography
- Spacings
Feedback is appreciated!
If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop me or Joro a line. Your feedback is appreciated! Follow Joro Yordanoff on Twitter or go and check out his 🔥 premium Kirby CMS themes.
Have fun building a kooler web!
If you use CodeKit, feel free to import the theme’s folder to it and start making changes. CodeKit will handle the recompiling of SASS & JS thanks to the config.codekit3 file in the root directory.
You can easily change the colors and overall styles of the theme by editing and recompiling its /assets/sass styles. As you’ll see the main colors are separated in /assets/sass/_palette.scss. From /assets/sass/components/_typography.scss you can easily change the font faces used for Kompact.