Bash doesn't source /etc/profile.d/, /etc/bash.d/ (or similar) in Ubuntu/Debian (bug #675008) for interactive sessions. minos-core-settings depends on this feature to inject their own preferences (/etc/profile.d/bash-minos.sh).
Skel bashrc doesn't source ~/.profile.d, /etc/bash.d/ or similar. Minos packages may add their own skel ~/.profile.d/files.sh, therefore a new skel bashrc file is provided
minos-core-settings sets bash to vi mode by default but no vi mode options exist currently in /etc/inputrc, this repository add those, specially vim-objects =)_
Set up the minos archive:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:minos-archive/main
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bash-minos-settings
Enjoy ☺!
Please drop me an email with your suggestions or open an issue with your comments.