Project developed @EthSingapore 2023
BuidlerFi is a SocialFi app where any web3 builder can buy keys to get advice from more experienced builders, while also investing in their success.
Our smart contract was deployed to the following chains:
- MANTLE_TESTNET: "0xa013cDBBE8c9b1325992e3D4Fc312bB990cC61F5" (link)
- POLYGON_MUMBAI: "0x7083d3c0B2c031dc62ecD14184eB61B6815b31ED"
- POLYGON_ZKEVM_TESTNET: "0xa013cDBBE8c9b1325992e3D4Fc312bB990cC61F5"
- TAIKO_TESTNET: "0xa013cDBBE8c9b1325992e3D4Fc312bB990cC61F5"
- LINEA_TESTNET: "0xa013cDBBE8c9b1325992e3D4Fc312bB990cC61F5" (link) (code)
You only need to run the frontend locally in order to use the app. Start by cloning
$ git clone
Install frontend dependencies and run the project
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm run dev