1.1. Restore termination improvement
1.2. /boot can be on mmcblkNp0 where N can be > 0
1.3. New option-B
will save the boot partition in a tar file.
1.4. New option-C
will enable bad block checking when partitions are formatted.
1.5. Option-U
also considers available beta versions
1.6. New optionparser allows to turn on and off all on/off options. For example-z
turns on the zip mode as before and-z+
turns it on also but-z-
turns it off. In addition options of the following format are now possible--optionsname
1.7. New option--noResizeRootFS
turn on and off the resizing of the root partition during restore
1.8. New option--version
displays the current version of raspiBackup
1.9. Support of Volumio
1.10. New option--timestamps
enables timestamps in front of messages
1.11. rc 23 and 24 from rsync are no longer accepted by raspiBackup -
2.1. -U check detects the current version is identical to the latest available version
2.2. memory sample extension works also on Jessie
2.3. perl no longer used