A Jetpack Compose library for creating beautiful and interactive charts.
The library supports a wide variety of chart types, including bar charts, line charts, pie chart, donut charts, gauge chart...
Charts can be customized to match your app's style, and they can be animated to provide a more engaging user experience.
Charts can be created in a declarative way, which makes it easy to update them as your data changes.
The library is open source, and it is available on GitHub.
- Supports a wide variety of chart types
- Easy to use
- Declarative API
- Open source
- Visualize data in a clear and concise way
- Engage users with interactive charts
- Make your app more visually appealing
- Financial apps
- Analytics apps
- Educational apps
- Sports and fitness tracker apps
- Any app that needs to visualize data
- Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.fracassi-marco:JetChart:1.4.1'
You can:
- scroll horizontally
- show values inside or above the bar
- define for each bar an action on the tap event
- customize colors and sizes
- define custom x-axis labels
- show or hide y-axis values
- animate the drawing
fun BarChartComposable(text: MutableState<String>) {
val numberOfBars = 8
val width = numberOfBars * 80
BarChart(bars = Bars(
bars = (1..numberOfBars).map {
Bar(label = "BAR$it", value = Random.nextFloat(), color = JetGreen) {
bar -> text.value = "You clicked on the bar ${bar.label}!"
modifier = Modifier.horizontalScroll(rememberScrollState()).width(width.dp).height(500.dp),
animation = fadeInAnimation(3000),
xAxisDrawer = BarXAxisDrawer(),
yAxisDrawer = BarYAxisWithValueDrawer(),
labelDrawer = SimpleBarLabelDrawer(),
valueDrawer = SimpleBarValueDrawer(drawLocation = Inside),
barHorizontalMargin = 5.dp
You can:
- scroll horizontally
- draw multiple lines
- chose how to draw points (none, filled circle or empty circle)
- show lines shading (transparent, solid or gradient)
- define for each point an action on the tap event (TODO)
- customize colors and sizes
- define custom x-axis labels
- show or hide y-axis values
- animate the drawing
fun LineChartComposable() {
LineChart(lines = listOf(
Line(points = points(10), lineDrawer = SolidLineDrawer(thickness = 8.dp, color = Blue)),
Line(points = points(15), lineDrawer = SolidLineDrawer(thickness = 8.dp, color = Red))),
modifier = Modifier
animation = fadeInAnimation(3000),
pointDrawer = FilledPointDrawer(),
xAxisDrawer = LineXAxisDrawer(),
yAxisDrawer = LineYAxisWithValueDrawer(),
horizontalOffsetPercentage = 1f,
lineShader = GradientLineShader(listOf(JetGreen, Transparent))
private fun points(count: Int) = (1..count).map { Point(Random.nextFloat(), "Point$it") }
You can:
- specify thickness to obtain a pie or a donut chart
- animate the drawing
fun PieChartComposable() {
PieChart(pies = Pies(listOf(Slice(35f, Red), Slice(45f, JetGreen), Slice(15f, Yellow), Slice(5f, Cyan))),
modifier = Modifier.height(340.dp),
animation = fadeInAnimation(4000),
sliceDrawer = FilledSliceDrawer(thickness = 60f)
You can:
- customize the pointer
- customize the arc
- animate the drawing
fun GaugeChartComposable() {
percentValue = 72f, //between 0 and 100
modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp).fillMaxWidth(),
animation = fadeInAnimation(4000),
pointerDrawer = NeedleDrawer(needleColor = JetGreen, baseSize = 12.dp),
arcDrawer = GaugeArcDrawer(thickness = 32.dp, cap = StrokeCap.Round)