- Configure your Web.config file - add following keys:
<add key="CognitiveServicesApiKey" value="0123456789abcdef"/>
<add key="CognitiveServicesServer" value="https://westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com"/>
2.1. Make your ImageFile model inherit from FocalImageData
public class ImageFile : FocalImageData
2.2. Inherit from IFocalImageData
public class ImageFile : IFocalImageData
In this case you need to decorate FocalPoint property with following attribute
public virtual FocalPoint FocalPoint { get; set; }
Also optionally decorate SmartCropEnabled flag to be more descriptive for editors
[Display(Name = "Use FocalPoint for cropping")]
public virtual bool SmartFocalPointEnabled { get; set; }
Use HtmlHelper extension FocusedImage
- image - ContentReference to ImageFile property
- width - Desired width of cropped image
- height - Desired height of cropped image
- objectFitMode - Possible values: fill, contain, crop (default). Fill will fill cropped image to specified width/height rect if result crop would be smaller adding pad if necessary. Contain will contain original image within specified bounds without cropping. Crop will only crop image.
- noZoomout - Normally ImageResizer zooms out huge images to preserve as much content as possible. Use this flag to stop this behaviour
@Html.FocusedImage(Model.Image, 300, 300, forceSize: true, noZoomout: true)