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h265web.js - Will support HDR10!

中文 | English

H265web.js is the best HEVC/H.265 web player you can find.
Video Stream Server recommand use ZLMediaKit( - Pretty good video live stream server/framework

A hevc/h.265 web player, easy to play 1080P. ~^_^~ For love if h265web helped you, please star it~

All Features

Feature Feature Feature Feature


MPEG-TS(VOD) G711A HDR10(BT2020) .


Simple Demo - for first use index-debug.html

h265web.js mpeg.js (ts demuxer) h265web.js's H.265 decoder LICENSE
h265web.js MPEG-Demuxer.js h265web.js-wasm-decoder License GPL-3.0


H265web.js use the soft-decode mode(Can not use hard-decode and assembly-optimization on browers), so your device performance has a large impact on player.


  • Recommended FPS <= 30fps

    • Better: 24fps
  • Recommended Bitrate <= 1500kbps

    • Better: 300~600kbps



TODO Content
1 Support HDR10 BT.2020


  • Protocol box
protocol model support desc
mp4 Video on demand Y ----
mpeg-ts Video on demand Y ----
m3u8 Video on demand Y ----
hls Live Y ----
HEVC/H.265 Video on demand Y ----
HEVC/H.265 Live Y ----
AVC/H.264 Video on demand Y ----
AVC/H.264 Live Y ----
http-flv Live Y CodecID=12
flv Video on demand Y Bak player core mode
websocket-flv Live Y ----
websocket-ts Live Y ----
http-ts Live Y ----
  • Features
Feature support desc
Video on demand Y ----
Live Y ----
Seek Y ----
AccurateSeek Y ----
Cover Image Y ----
Playing with download Y ----
Volume Y ----
Play Y ----
Pause Y ----
ReStart Y ----
PauseWithCoverImage Y ----
1080P Y ----
720P Y ----
Create multi players Y ----
Play without Audio Y ----
Cache process Y ----
Open Fullscreen Y ----
Exit Fullscreen Y ----


token = "base64:QXV0aG9yOmNoYW5neWFubG9uZ3xudW1iZXJ3b2xmLEdpdGh1YjpodHRwczovL2dpdGh1Yi5jb20vbnVtYmVyd29sZixFbWFpbDpwb3JzY2hlZ3QyM0Bmb3htYWlsLmNvbSxRUTo1MzEzNjU4NzIsSG9tZVBhZ2U6aHR0cDovL3h2aWRlby52aWRlbyxEaXNjb3JkOm51bWJlcndvbGYjODY5NCx3ZWNoYXI6bnVtYmVyd29sZjExLEJlaWppbmcsV29ya0luOkJhaWR1";


Simple Demo - First index-debug.html


Type Example


  • Simple Demo - First index-debug.html

  • You need to put project in your web server path, and open it with index.html


———————— API/Events

New SDK Project for H.265/HEVC decoder -


  • Warning: Do not install from npm store! Please download from Github! Because npm store is not friendly with Webassembly!

  • Warning: Put the .wasm file into `webpack`/`browerify`'s dist Directory! If wasm's path is not same with `webpack`/`browerify`'s dist file's path, you can not running with it!!!Or you can include with this github's dist/\*.js and dist/missile\*.wasm

1)Install SDK Package

  • By github 1.1 h265web.js

  • Simple Demo - First index-debug.html

  • demo: example_normal (recommend)

     <script src="dist/missile.js"></script>
     <script src="dist/h265webjs-v20211016.js"></script>
  • demo: example

     // import wasm in html file
     <script src="dist/missile.js"></script>
     // import from local file in your es js file
  • demo: example

    • import xxx from xxx
     // import wasm in html file
     <script src="dist/missile.js"></script>
     // import from local file in your es js file
     import H265webjsModule from './dist/index';

2)Install Wasm

  • If you install it by github, you could skip this step.

3)Include h265web.js to project


  • Make player config
const PLAYER_CORE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0; // Default player core
const PLAYER_CORE_TYPE_CNATIVE = 1; // BAK player Core

let config = {
    player: "glplayer",
    width: 960,
    height: 540,
    token : token,
    extInfo : {
        moovStartFlag : true
  • Config desc
Config Type Value Need Desc
type String mp4/hls/ts/raw265/flv N Media file type, or auto detect
player String - Y Player dom id
width Int - Y Player width
height Int - Y Player height
token String - Y player's token
extInfo Object - N player extra info
+ moovStartFlag Bool true/false N:default is sfalse mp4 with moov before mdat
+ rawFps Float32 Example:30 N:default 24 Fps for play HEVC/AVC stream
+ coreProbePart Float32 - N:Default is 1.0 Probe Mp4 media info,interval: 0.0~1.0, traditional mp4 file which moov box front of mdat box, use 0.1(10%) (only with Bak player core mode(beta))
+ core Int - N:Default 0 0:Default Core
1:Bak Core
+ ignoreAudio Int - N:Default is 0 0:Play with audio
1:Without audio
+ probeSize Int - N:4096 HTTP-FLV(LIVE) Mode's probe size, default is 4096


  • Warning!!!

After compile ,Please put your JS file with wasm file in the same directory

  • Example
	./dist/your dist play file
	./dist/sdk files
  • Create your player(Global function)

new265webjs(mediaAddress, playerConfig)

Param Type Default Need Desc
mediaAddress String - Y media file address/path
playerConfig Object - Y player's config
  • Example

    • 1)URI and Config

      • Example 1 Create mp4/hls/ts Player
       let videoURL = "h265_test.mp4";
       let config = {
           player: "glplayer",
           width: 960,
           height: 540,
           accurateSeek : true,
           token : token,
           extInfo : {
               moovStartFlag : true,
               readyShow : true
      • Example 2 Create raw265 Player (play hevc raw stream)
       let videoURL = "demo/res/raw.h265";
       let config = {
           type: "raw265",
           player: "glplayer",
           width: 960,
           height: 540,
           accurateSeek : true,
           token : token,
           extInfo : {
               readyShow : true,
               rawFps : 30 // frame rate
      • Example 3 Create FLV(Video on demand) Player
       const PLAYER_CORE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0; // Default player core
       const PLAYER_CORE_TYPE_CNATIVE = 1; // Bak player core mode
       let config = {
           player: "glplayer",
           width: 960,
           height: 540,
           accurateSeek : true,
           token : token,
           extInfo : {
               moovStartFlag : true,
               readyShow : true,
               autoCrop : false,
               coreProbePart : 0.1,
               ignoreAudio : 0
    • 2)Player

        1. Example 0 Create by normal js without compile Example:
       let player = window.new265webjs(url, config);
        1. If require('./src/h265webjs');


       let player = new265webjs(videoURL, config); // Global Function
        1. If import H265webjsModule from './dist/index';(recommend)


       let player = H265webjsModule.createPlayer(videoURL, config);
        1. NOTICE! If you want to create raw265 stream player
        • raw265 type,feed byte data


        Function Return Desc
        append265NaluFrame NULL Feed H.265 nalu-frame (bytes)


        Param Type Default Require Desc
        frame Uint8Array - Y Bytes

        Example - I get a hevc file by network, and get bytes data to player.

         // fetch 265
         // you can use your code to fetch vod stream
         // only need `h265webjs.append265NaluFrame(nalBuf);` to append 265 frame
         let rawParser = new RawParserModule();
         let fetchFinished = false;
         let startFetch = false;
         let networkInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
             if (!startFetch) {
                 startFetch = true;
                 fetch(url265).then(function(response) {
                     let pump = function(reader) {
                         return {
                             if (result.done) {
                                 // console.log("========== RESULT DONE ===========");
                                 fetchFinished = true;
                                 networkInterval = null;
                             let chunk = result.value;
                             return pump(reader);
                     return pump(response.body.getReader());
                 .catch(function(error) {
         }, 1);
         // fps>=30 play else cache
         let naluParseInterval = window.setInterval(() => {
             if (nalBuf != false) {
                 // require
             } else if (fetchFinished) {
                 naluParseInterval = null;
         }, 1);



  • Example
player.onSeekFinish = () => {
    // todo


Callback param Type Default Need Desc
width int - - YUV width
height int - - YUV height
imageBufferY Uint8Array - - Y
imageBufferB Uint8Array - - ChromaB
imageBufferR Uint8Array - - ChromaR

You can use this event's data to render a new window(full screen play)

must use setRenderScreen to open this feature.

  • Example
player.onRender = (width, height, imageBufferY, imageBufferB, imageBufferR) => {
	// todo


If this event happened, you can start play

  • Example
player.onLoadFinish = () => {
	// todo


Callback param Type Default Need Desc
videoPTS float64 - - pts now
  • Example
player.onPlayTime = (videoPTS) => {
	// todo


  • Example
player.onPlayFinish = () => {
    // finished


Callback param Type Default Need Desc
cPts float64 - - Cache process timestamp
  • Example
player.onCacheProcess = (cPts) => {
    // console.log("onCacheProcess => ", cPts);


  • Example
player.onReadyShowDone = () => {
    // console.log("onReadyShowDone");
    // to play


  • Example
player.onLoadCache = () => {
	// caching frames


  • Example
player.onLoadCacheFinshed = () => {
    // cache finished


  • Example
player.onOpenFullScreen = () => {
    // todo


  • Example
player.onCloseFullScreen = () => {
    // todo



After【set player config】和【bind events】

  • Example;


Function Return Desc
isPlaying() bool play status
  • Example
if (player.isPlaying()) {
	// now is playing
} else {


Function Return Desc
play() - Start play
  • Example;


Function Return Desc
pause() - Pause
  • Example


After open,you can use onRender Event

Function Return Desc
setRenderScreen({param1}) - Open/Close : Render callback YUV Frame data
  • Param
Param Type Default Desc
param1 bool false Open/Close : Render callback YUV Frame data
  • Example
// Open
// Close


Function Return Desc
seek({pts}) - Seek to any timestamp
  • Params
Param Type Default Desc
pts float64 - Seek to any timestamp
  • Example
// Seek to 10.01s;


Function Return Desc
setVoice({volume}) - volume value
  • Params
Param Type Default Desc
volume float64 - Set value in [0, 1.0], 0 is mute,1.0 is full
  • Example
// half


Function Return Desc
mediaInfo() Object Media file info
  • Return Example
	audioNone: false // include audio stream
	durationMs: 600000 // media duration(ms)
	fps: 25 // frame rate
	sampleRate: 44100 // audio sampleRate
		height: 720
		width: 1280
	videoCodec: 0 // 0:HEVC/H.265 1:Others Codec
	isHEVC: true // video is HEVC Codec
videoType: "vod" // vod or live
  • Example
let mediaInfo = player.mediaInfo();


Function Return Desc
fullScreen() - open fullscreen
  • Example


Function Return Desc
closeFullScreen() - exit fullscreen
  • Example


Function Return Desc
release() - Release Player
  • 示例



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  • mp4
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 \
-vcodec libx265 -pix_fmt \
-acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 44100 \
-preset medium -maxrate 1000k -bufsize 1000k \
-vtag hev1 \
-movflags faststart \
-y video.mp4
  • hls/m3u8 capture
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i 1:0 \
-q 4 -r 10 \
-filter_complex "scale=1280:720" \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
-vcodec libx265 \
-ar 22050 -ab 64k -ac 1 -acodec aac \
-threads 4 \
-preset veryfast \
-f segment \
-segment_list test.m3u8 \
-segment_time 5 \
-y /Users/numberwolf/Documents/webroot/VideoMissile/VideoMissilePlayer/res/hls1/v-%03d.ts
  • mpeg-ts
ffmpeg -ss 20 -t 10 -i ./res/xinxiaomen.mp4 \
-vcodec libx265 -x265-params "bframes=0:keyint=10" -r 24 -filter_complex "scale=720:1280" -preset fast -maxrate 800k -bufsize 800k \
-acodec aac -ar 22050 -ac 1 \
-pix_fmt yuv420p \
-f mpegts -y ./res/veilside2.ts


Update Content
Time 2022/01/17
- 0.Fixed ISSUE of HLS 265 OOM Case numberwolf#108
- 1.Fixed ISSUE of HLS Split Rules numberwolf#105
- 2.Add New Demo index-debug.html
- 3.Fixed 10+playes of 264 play failed, stack overflow
Time 2021/12/31
- 0.Add H.264 HTTP-FLV Retry after error
Time 2021/12/24
- 0.Fixed H.264 HTTP-FLV Some Badcase with callback
Time 2021/12/19
- 0.Fixed H.264 HLS Callback's problem
Time 2021/12/08
- 0.Fixed Problem of H.264 MP4 onReadyShowDone Event
Time 2021/12/04 - In the small hours
- 0.Fixed http-flv 265 Render With crash
- 1.Fixed hls problem of fullscreen
- 2.Fixed some bugs
Time 2021/11/29 - Night
- 0.Fixed http-flv retry case and some bugs
Time 2021/11/25 - Night
- 0.Fixed httpflv/ws LIVE ignoreAudio problem
Time 2021/11/23 - Night
- 0.Fixed numberwolf#90
Time 2021/11/21 - In the small hours
- 0.Support Websocket-FLV (HEVC/H.265)
- 1.Support Websocket-TS (HEVC/H.265)
- 2.Support HTTP-TS (HEVC/H.265)
Time 2021/11/16 - Evening
- 0.First request, if no response and timeout, then retry 5 times
Time 2021/11/15 - Evening
- 0.HTTP-FLV auto retry when timeout with out packet.(7s)
Time 2021/11/14 - Evening
- 0.Add wasm file of 265mb version(can memory auto grow)
- 1.Add wasm file of 512mb version(can memory auto grow)
Time 2021/11/04 - Evening
- 0.Fixed: release many times with crash
Time 2021/10/26 - Evening
- 0.Fixed some bugs
Time 2021/10/24 - Evening
- 0.Support Codec of AVC/H.264's MP4/HLS/M3u8/FLV/HTTP-FLV play
Time 2021/10/18 - Evening
- 0.Add new example
Time 2021/10/16 - Evening
- 0.Fixed: HTTP-FLV: Mediainfo's codec fault value
- 1.Update example
Time 2021/10/14 - Evening
- 0.Fixed: Mediainfo's codec fault value
Time 2021/10/13 - Evening
- 0.The player compatible with WebIDE develop, split wasm(js) and h265web.js, need include wasm(js) as single
Time 2021/10/12 - Evening
- 0.Fixed: Support HTTP-FLV(HEVC) without fps param
Time 2021/10/09 - In the small hours
- 0.Support HTTP-FLV(HEVC) LIVE, CodecID=12
- 0.MP4/FLV(VOD) performance optimizing of Seek operation(out of cache area)
Time 2021/09/27 - Evening
- 0.M3u8/MpegTS performance optimizing of Seek operation(out of cache area)
Time 2021/09/25 - In the small hours
- 0.HLS Live Fixed: Crash by OOM
- 1.HLS Live Fixed: MPEG-TS full path
- 2.HLS Live Fixed: Stop by lost stream a moment
- 3.HLS Live Fixed: Stop by unstable network
Time 2021/09/08 - Evening
- 0.Fixed: M3U8 Seek with Decode Failed
- 1.Fixed: Some MP4 Case
- 2.Config update, remove some options, make it auto set
Time 2021/09/07 - Evening
- 0.M3U8 Fixed: some error with parse mpegts file
Time 2021/09/07 - In the small hours
- 0.Bak Player Core - Fixed:MP4/FLV(VOD) Seek BUG can not seek to 0; And performance optimizing for play
Time 2021/08/15
- 0.H265/HEVC Upgrade Raw Data Player for VOD/LIVE
Time 2021/07/18
- 0.Upgrade: Player UI Style
- 1.Support: fullscreen & close fullscreen
- 2.Add Event: open/close fullscreen
Time 2021/07/11
- 0.Fixed: The player compatible with ZLMediaKit + HUAWEI HoloSens Camera LIVE Stream
Time 2021/07/04
- 0.Fixed: ISSUE#58 (When default player-core's status is caching-frames, can not pause video)
Time 2021/07/01
- 0.Add example and package.json file
Time 2021/06/27
- 0.Open Source!
- 1.Support Seek in FLV
- 2.Fixed: Seek problems with bak player core mode
- 3.Add FLV type ,and do not need set player-core
Time 2021/05/30
- 1.Fixed: Some problem with seek and play(Important)
- 2.Feature: Event/Callback of Video's cover image load finished
Time 2021/05/24
- 1.FLV VOD Play(In the bak player core mode)
Time 2021/05/21
- 1.HLS(LIVE:No audio)performance optimizing
Time 2021/05/18
- 1.HLS(LIVE) performance optimizing and add Audio
Time 2021/05/16
- 1.MP4(VOD) Fixed:BD265 Mp4 box badcase
Time 2021/05/15
- 1.Fixed: HLS Play(LIVE)
Time 2021/04/27
- 1.Fixed: Some video playing with gray block(mosic)
- 2.Fixed: Some video when playing first gop with gray block(mosic)
Time 2021/04/22
- 1.Bak player core mode(test) support: seek
- 2.Bak player core mode(test) support: yuvj420p
- 3.Others
Time 2021/04/12
- 1.Fixed bug: Some video(encode hev) play failed
- 2.Fixed bug: Some video(nalu unstandard) play failed
- 3.Fixed bug: Some video play error with mosic
Time 2021/04/07
- 1.Fixed duration error
Time 2021/03/28
- 1.Add cache process event
- 2.Fixed some bugs
- 3.Remove HLS Log
- 4.Play without audio optio(New Core)
Time 2021/03/14
- 1.Bak player core mode: Fixed: render of bytes align
Time 2021/03/12
- 1.Sorry my friends, I was too tired to make a mistake with hls feature... Now I have fixed it. _!
Time 2021/03/06
- 1.Bak player core mode, Fixed: multi-stream play badcase
Time 2021/02/28
- 1.Add function to feed 265 nalu-frame append265NaluFrame(nalBuf);
- 2.Add new library to parse 265 stream raw-parser.js
Time 2021/02/21
- 1.New SDK Project for H.265/HEVC decoder -
Time 2021/02/18
- 1.Bak player core mode support play with audio
Time 2021/02/08
- 1.Bak player core mode (beta version , do not support play audio and seek. Make your mp4's moov box front of the mdat)
Time 2021/01/04
- 1.Player Support Hevc file
- 2.Player Support Hevc stream
- 3.Remove Play/Pause Mask
- 4.Add Event:onPlayFinish, called when play video finished