Foobar++ is a group ordering and delivery application.
- To install required dependencies
cd ./functions
npm install
For all Auth required endpoints, insert the authorization header.
headers | type | description |
Authorization | string | use getIdToken() from Auth SDK |
"data": {
"field1": "data",
"field2": "data"
"error": {
"code": "4xx",
"message": "Include error message here"
Endpoint for adding cart item for a user.
URL: /api/cart
Method: PUT
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
item_id | string | the item to be added to cart |
amounts | integer | how many items are added |
section_id | string? | (optional) the section added from |
Endpoint for updating cart item for a user.
URL: /api/cart
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
cart_item_id | string | the cart item to be updated |
amounts | integer | the new amounts of the seller item |
Endpoint for removing all cart items for a user.
URL: /api/cart
Method: DELETE
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
None |
Endpoint for synchronizing all cart items with the corresponding seller items for a user.
URL: /api/cart/sync
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
None |
Endpoint for updating user profile.
URL: /api/user
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
name | String? | (Optional) the full name of the user |
phone_num | String? | (Optional) the phone number of the user |
Endpoint for searching sellers.
URL: /api/seller/search
Method: GET
Auth required: NO
body | type | description |
query | String | search query |
Endpoint for placing a new order.
URL: /api/order
Method: PUT
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
message | String? | (Optional) order notes for the seller |
payment_method | String | payment method identifier (must be the ones included in the database) |
Endpoint for cancelling an order.
URL: /api/order/cancel
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
order_id | String | the id of the order |
Endpoint for updating the order state.
URL: /api/order/update
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
order_id | String | the id of the order |
order_state | String | the state of the order |
Endpoint for confirming an order is delivered to the customer.
URL: /api/order/delivered
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
order_id | String | the id of the order |
Endpoint for rating a delivered order.
URL: /api/order/rate
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
order_id | String | the id of the order |
order_rating | Int | [0, 5] |
delivery_rating | Boolean | (Optional) TRUE for thumb up, FALSE for thumb down |
Endpoint for updating the state of a section.
URL: /api/section/update
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
section_id | String | the id of the section |
section_state | String | the state of the section |
Endpoint for applying for a section delivery.
URL: /api/section/deliver
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
section_id | String | the id of the section |
section_state | String | the updated state of the section |
Endpoint for updating a section's current location.
URL: /api/section/location
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
section_id | String | the id of the section |
latitude | Float | the latitude of the current location |
longitude | Float | the longitude of the current location |
Endpoint for start orders pick up.
URL: /api/section/pickup
Method: POST
Auth required: YES
body | type | description |
section_id | String | the id of the section |
Functions | Usages |
cart-updateUserCart | Update 'user_carts' info when a cart item is modified in 'cart_items'. |
order-linkOrdersBasic | Link with 'orders_basic' collection. |
order-updateOrderNotifyUser | Send notifications to users when the order state is changed. |
order-modifyOrderUpdateSection | Update the section document when a new group order is modified. |
promotion-randomizeAdvertiseBasics | Randomize 'advertise_basics' documents every day to ensure display fairness. |
section-linkSectionsBasic | Link with 'sections_basic' sub-collection. |
section-sectionUpdateRequireCartSync | Update user' cart info when a section is updated. |
section-linkSectionStateToOrderState | Link section state to orders state. |
section-linkSectionLocationToOrderLocation | Link section location to order location. |
section-sectionUpdateOrderSync | Update orders when a section is updated. |
section-deleteSectionResources | Delete section resources. |
seller-linkSellersBasic | Link with 'seller_basic' collection. |
seller-sellerUpdateRequireCartSync | Update user' cart info when a seller is updated. |
seller-sellerUpdateOrderSync | Update orders when a seller is updated. |
seller-deleteSellerResources | Delete seller resources. |
seller-updateItemAvailability | Update items' available state based on their belonged catalog state. |
seller-linkItemsBasic | Link with 'items_basic' sub-collection. |
seller-itemUpdateRequireCartSync | Update user' cart info when a item is updated. |
seller-deleteItemResources | Delete item resources. |
seller-linkAdvertisesBasic | Link with 'advertises_basic' collection. |
seller-newAdvertiseNotifyUsers | Send notification to all users when a new seller advertisement is created. |
seller-updateSellerRating | Update seller average rating |
seller-linkRatingsBasic | Link with 'ratings_basic' sub collection. |
storage-updateImageUrl | Update image url fields when a new image is uploaded. |
user-copyAuthToUsers | Create new user document when a new user account is created in Auth. |
user-deleteUser | Clean up resources when a user is deleted. |
user-linkUserCollections | Link with 'users_delivery' and 'users_public'. |
user-updateUserSyncRating | Update user rating documents. |
- To deploy all functions
firebase deploy --only functions
- To deploy a specific group of functions
firebase deploy --only functions:group_name
- To start emulator
firebase emulators:start --import=./emulator --export-on-exit