released this
25 Oct 12:25
76 commits
to master
since this release
- UIPFAUTH-7 Create an empty modal window for find Authorities plugin
- UIPFAUTH-1 Select a MARC authority record modal > Search MARC authority records
- UIPFAUTH-3 Select a MARC authority record modal > Results list - Search
- UIPFAUTH-4 Select a MARC authority record modal > Results list - Browse
- UIPFAUTH-9 move stripes-authority-components to peerDependencies
- UIPFAUTH-5 Select a MARC authority record modal > View a MARC authority detail record
- UIPFAUTH-15 Browse: Long heading ref values in results list are not aligned to the left
- UIPFAUTH-11 Default search query change to return - authRefType=Authorized
- UIPFAUTH-19 The counters at Browse authority pane and "Type of heading" facet options don't match
- UIPFAUTH-16 Add the Expand the Search & filter pane option
- UIPFAUTH-14 Detail Record : Click Link button to select a MARC authority record
- UIPFAUTH-13 Results List : Click Link icon/button to select a MARC authority record
- UIPFAUTH-21 The error "Something went wrong" appears when search by same search option and updated query
- UIPFAUTH-26 The pane size of the "Search & filter" pane changes when user changes scale of the screen
- UIPFAUTH-28 Browse: Remove the link action on a placeholder row
- UIPFAUTH-32 Added aria-label to modal
- UIPFAUTH-31 Results List | Heading Type column is cutoff
- UIPFAUTH-29 Find Authority plugin: Add a11y tests