UIMARCAUTH-251 Browse: Fix Space at the begining and end of query string
UIMARCAUTH-261 Fix tests.
UIMARCAUTH-239 Detail Record Actions dropdown menu > Add icons to the left of each action
UIMARCAUTH-253 Avoid private paths in stripes-core imports.
UIMARCAUTH-260 Added stripes-authority-components to stripesDeps.
UIMARCAUTH-212 Global Headings Report | UX | Failed updates: linked bibliographic fields (CSV)
UIMARCAUTH-272 Upgrade the records-editor.records interface.
UIMARCAUTH-273 Added missing permission for editing MARC Authority records.
UIMARCAUTH-269 "Month" dropdown is Not displayed in date picker element opened in modal window
UIMARCAUTH-264 Retain Search
and Browse
search terms.
UIMARCAUTH-286 Change records-editor.records interface name and permission names to marc-records-editor
UIMARCAUTH-288 Add permission to "MARC Authority: View MARC authority record".
UIMARCAUTH-289 New permission: MARC authority: Create MARC authority record.
UIMARCAUTH-290 Create Orig Authority Record: Add MARC authority action.
UIMARCAUTH-291 Update markHighlightedFields function with authority Mapping Rules. Added new permission to get mapping-rules.
to v18
UIMARCAUTH-268 Add "Local" or "Shared" to flag MARC authorities.
UIMARCAUTH-298 Add Shared icon to MARC authority search results.
UIMARCAUTH-305 Change tenant id to central when opening details of Shared Authority.
UIMARCAUTH-305 Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub Actions.
UIMARCAUTH-317 Add persmission 'link suggestions' to authority view.
UIMARCAUTH-284 Delete Shared MARC authority record.
UIMARCAUTH-313 Load MARC Authority source file with authority record's tenantId
UIMARCAUTH-285 Edit Shared MARC authority record, update Shared & Local Instances.
UIMARCAUTH-321 BREAKING bump react-intl
to v6.4.4
UIMARCAUTH-297 Don't clear previous Search/Browse results to highlight the edited record.
UIMARCAUTH-327 Remove unnecessary pagingOffset prop.
UIMARCAUTH-314 Hide permission MARC Authority: Create new MARC authority record
You can’t perform that action at this time.