released this
12 Oct 13:18
UIBULKED-255 Incorrect message on the logs landing page.
UIBULKED-252 Selected filters are not reset on "Logs" tab
UIBULKED-267 User's names in "Run by" column of Bulk edit logs.
UIBULKED-277 Birth date column shows time.
UIBULKED-223 Add types for all backend entities
UIBULKED-244 Add Suppress from discovery option
UIBULKED-283 Make column names sticky
UIBULKED-269 Modify text when updates are committed
UIBULKED-279 Reorder columns on Logs page to be consistent with other apps
UIBULKED-273 User is able to bulk edit Users records with CSV view + In app Edit permissions
UIBULKED-291 "Preview of record changed" and filename disappear after resetting filters on "Logs" tab
UIBULKED-294 Log tab paginates by 50 records instead of 100
UIBULKED-295 Make column names sticky for preview and confirmation screens
UIBULKED-292 Arrow icons in "ID", "# of records" and "Processed" columns remain visible after resetting filters
UIBULKED-293 Default sorting order on Logs tab
UIBULKED-308 CSV: Cancel button doesn't stop file uploading
UIBULKED-306 "Next" button remains disabled for a while after uploading modified file for Bulk edit (CSV approach)
UIBULKED-287 "Something went wrong" error occurred clicking "Bulk edit" icon from the bulk edit In app form
UIBULKED-310 Apply to all items checkbox - default values
UIBULKED-289 Landing page is not cleared switching to "Query" tab after completed Bulk edit
UIBULKED-289 Bulk edit actions for notes - add and remove Mark as staff only
UIBULKED-298 Group Item record properties using optgroup component.
UIBULKED-296 White line on the top of Bulk Edit landing page.
UIBULKED-302 Bulk edit actions for notes - change note type.
UIBULKED-301 Bulk edit actions for notes - find and replace or remove.
UIBULKED-281 Rename filters by start and end date
UIBULKED-314 Remove "New bulk edit" button
UIBULKED-328 Rename Actions menu option for Bulk edit (CSV) approach
UIBULKED-319 Bulk edit permission names cleanup.
UIBULKED-282 Files generated more than 30 days ago can be downloaded from the "Logs".
UIBULKED-274 Create reusable permission-select component
UIBULKED-311 Bulk edit actions for notes - duplicate note.
UIBULKED-321 Permissions for editing Inventory records.
UIBULKED-322 Permissions for editing User records.
UIBULKED-335 Reset state to default when changing "Record identifier"
UIBULKED-330 Order alphabetically record types on the landing page.
UIBULKED-340 Wrong message on Bulk edit main page without View Inventory/Users permissions.
UIBULKED-318 Add User filter to Logs tab
UIBULKED-325 Rename "Suppressed from discovery" option to "Suppress from discovery" for Items and Holdings
UIBULKED-337 BREAKING Update react
to v18
UIBULKED-312 CSV: On cancel button click uploaded file should be deleted.
UIBULKED-346 BREAKING bump react-intl
to v6.4.4
UIBULKED-343 Refactor logic for downloading file from actions menu.
UIBULKED-341 Separate Item notes in different columns based on the note type
UIBULKED-351 Hide Query tab
UIBULKED-276 Rename "Instance" column for holdings records preview
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