3.2.5 (Released) 2020-12-30
This release mainly contains bug fixes related to marc21_withholdings metadata prefix support.
MODOAIPMH-274 Retrieving loaded instance ids doesn't take the request id into account.
MODOAIPMH-273 Missing holdings/item fields in ListRecords response with marc21_whitholdings
MODOAIPMH-271 Create a database migration script to enrich new oai-pmh tables.
MODOAIPMH-265 Refactor the dao layer and update the readme with initial-load description
MODOAIPMH-259 HTML encoded entities in records make the OAI-PMH requests crash
MODOAIPMH-258 Clean data for outdated requests from instance table
MODOAIPMH-240 Newest git update introduces build loop
MODOAIPMH-123 Datestamp in response doesn't correspond to time granularity
MODOAIPMH-71 Handle json parsing exceptions gracefully