Provides instance-note-types
interface version 1.0 (MODINVSTOR-300)
Provides instance-storage
interface version 7.0 (MODINVSTOR-312,MODINVSTOR-297)
Provides nature-of-content-terms
interface version 1.0 (MODINVSTOR-309)
Provides item-storage
interface version 7.4 (MODINVSTOR-310)
Provides identifier-types
interface version 1.2 (MODINVSTOR-305)
Provides classification-types
interface version 1.2 (MODINVSTOR-306)
Provides modes-of-issuance
interface version 1.1 (MODINVSTOR-307)
Changes structure of instance.notes (MODINVSTOR-312)
Adds date and source fields to circulation notes (MODINVSTOR-310)
Validates UUID properties with pattern (MODINVSTOR-297)
Adds property source
to identifier type, classification type, mode of issuance (MODINVSTOR-305, MODINVSTOR-306, MODINVSTOR-307)
Sets array modifiers for contributors, identifiers (MODINVSTOR-311)
Populate identifiers reference table with more identifiers (MODINVSTOR-313)
Aligns barcode index (on item
) with the SQL generated
Upgrades RAML Module Builder to version 26.2.2 (MODINVSTOR-285)
Improves test coverage, error logging, sample data.
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