v3.3.0 2024-10-31
3.3.0 2024-10-31
R release
- SIP2-195: FolioResourceProvider is submitting expired access tokens to FOLIO
- SIP2-173: SIP2: extend checkin response with Patron identifier (AA)
- SIP2-202: Vert.x 4.5.7 fixing netty form POST OOM CVE-2024-29025
- SIP2-200: Enhance WebClient TLS Configuration for Secure Connections to OKAPI
- SIP2-205: Issue with edge-sip2
- SIP2-208: \r missing from error response message
- SIP2-209: EdgeSip2IT for "mvn verify"
- SIP2-89: Implement patron PIN field instead of patron password field
- SIP2-212: wrong patron information response (64)
- SIP2-214: Disable host veryfing in FIPS mode
- SIP2-216: FeePaidHandlerTests test ends with FAILURE. Issue with locale
- SIP2-150: Add port with IP address CIDR as option for tenant identification in configuration
- SIP2-219: Add support for COP currency type
- SIP2-221: edge-sip2 returns "valid patron password" field in 64 message even with password validation turned off
- SIP2-223: SIP2: Invalid checkin response message when using reject on item status feature (SIP2-186)
- SIP2-222: SIP2 login issue - active session with an invalid password
- SIP2-225: SIP2: Invalid item information response (18) when item identifier is not found.
- SIP2-224: Clean up the login with cache code
- SIP2-226: Invalid Response for Patron Information due to holdItems array with null entry
- SIP2-233: Release: Ramsons - edge-sip2