Releases: fmgarciadiaz/PortalHacienda-CRAN
Releases · fmgarciadiaz/PortalHacienda-CRAN
Timeout Fix
PortalHacienda 0.1.6
- Fixed server timeout returned error message (now it only fails with a message as required by CRAN policy)
Minor Fixes - Added Vignette
- Dropped readr from Imports (not needed after moving from download.file to GET)
- Dropped download.file from NAMESPACE
- Added Tutorial Vignette
Improved Error Handling
- Downgraded downloading ERRORS to MESSAGES to be in line with CRAN policy
- The package now correctly identifies internet connection problems vs. other kind of download problems:
- Added "no internet connection error" handling (via 'curl::has_internet')
- Added user side request errors handling (via 'httr')
- Added server side return errors handling (via 'httr')
- Server error messages are now returned to the user with a message
CRAN - Libre de errores
- Versión aceptada en CRAN sin errores
- Corregidos problemas en los ejemplos
- Funcionando OK
CRAN Fixes - Working
PortalHacienda 0.1.1
- Fixed examples to meet <5 sec requirement
PortalHacienda 0.1.0
- Subido a CRAN
- Funcionamiento básico
Initial Release
PortalHacienda 0.1.0
- Subido a CRAN
- Aceptado en CRAN
- Funcionamiento básico