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Write simple functions that describe how the game state changes when a particular move is made. This is automatically converted into a working game complete with online multiplayer features, all without requiring you to write a single line of networking or database handling code.
- State Management: Game state is managed seamlessly across clients, server and storage automatically.
- Cross-platform Multiplayer: All clients (Web / Android / iOS) are kept in sync in realtime.
- Automatic AI: MCTS-based bots with options to customize.
- Game Phases: with different game rules (including custom turn orders) per phase.
- Prototyping: Debugging interface to simulate moves even before you render the game.
- Logs: Game logs with the ability to time travel (viewing the board at an earlier state).
- View-layer Agnostic: Vanilla JS client with bindings for React / React Native.
- Component Toolkit: Components for hex grids, cards, tokens.
- Extendable: Subsystems (storage, networking etc.) can be replaced with custom implementations.
$ npm install --save boardgame.io
$ npm install
$ npm start
See changelog.
Plugin API that allows creating custom interfaces that target specific game genres.
See the contributing guidelines. Also take a look at the roadmap to find things that you could contribute to.