Deep learning on Flink can work with Tensorflow. You can train a Tensorflow model with a Flink table and inference with the trained model on a Flink table.
Here are some end-to-end examples to distributed train a model and inference with the trained model if you want to quickly try it out.
- Quick Start Tensorflow 1.15
- Quick Start Tensorflow 1.15 Estimator
- Quick Start Tensorflow 2.4
- Quick Start Tensorflow 2.4 Estimator
DL on Flink provides API in both Java and Python. Java API is for the users that are more comfortable writing their Flink job for data processing in Java. And the Python API is for users that are more comfortable with PyFlink.
The core module of the Python API
is tf_utils.
It provides methods to run training and inference job in Flink. All the methods
in tf_utils
a TFClusterConfig,
which contains information about the number of the workers and ps, the
entrypoint of the worker and ps, and properties for the framework, etc. The
entrypoint is a python function that consumes the data from Flink and train the
model. It is where you build you model and run the training loop.
Here is an example using the Python API.
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = ...
t_env = ...
statement_set = ...
source_table = ...
config = TFClusterConfig.new_builder()
.set_property('input_types', '..')
tf_utils.train(statement_set, config, source_table, epoch=4)
Note: We need to specify the "input_types" of the input table. It is a comma seperated string of data types (e.g., "FLOAT_32,FLOAT32"). The data types should match the data types of the input table. You can check the data type mapping.
The setPythonEntry
should point to the following python function
def train_entry(context):
tf_context = TFContext(context)
cluster = tf_context.get_tf_cluster_config()
os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps({
'cluster': cluster,
'task': {'type': tf_context.get_node_type(),
'index': tf_context.get_index()}
strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy()
with strategy.scope():
model = ...
def parse_csv(value):
x, y =, record_defaults=[[0.], [0.]])
return x, y
dataset = tf_context.get_tfdataset_from_flink().map(parse_csv).batch(32), epochs=10)
The entry function configures the environment variable for distributed training, reads the sample data from Flink and trains a Tensorflow model. If your training script depends on some third party dependencies, you can check out the Dependency Management.
After model training, you can use the trained model to perform inference on a Flink table. We recommend doing the inference in the PyFlink udf.
class Predict(ScalarFunction):
def __init__(self, _model_path):
self._model = None
self._model_path = _model_path
def open(self, function_context: FunctionContext):
import tensorflow as tf
self._model = tf.keras.models.load_model(self._model_path)
def eval(self, x):
result = self._model.predict([x])
return result.flatten()[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = ...
t_env = ...
source_table = ...
predict = udf(f=Predict(model_path), result_type=...)
result_table = source_table.add_columns(
The end-to-end example of the Python API can be found here.
In addition to the tf_utils
API, python also provides an Estimator API that is
compatible with the FlinkML API so that you don't need to write the training
Here is an example of training a model with the Estimator API. As you can see, the Estimator takes the model, loss function, optimizer, etc. so that you don't need to write the python script to train the model. The model will be saved at the given model path, after the job is finished.
We train a Keras model with the TFEstimator first.
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = ...
t_env = ...
statement_set = ...
source_table = ...
model = tf.keras.Model(...)
loss = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()
adam = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
estimator = TFEstimator(statement_set, model, loss, adam, worker_num=2,
label_col="y", max_epochs=1,
model =
model_path = ...
Then we can use the trained model for inference.
if __name__ == '__main__':
env = ...
t_env = ...
statement_set = ...
source_table = ...
model = TFModel.load(env, model_path)
res_table = model.transform(source_table)[0]
An end-to-end example of the Estimator API can be found here.
The core class of the Java API is TFUtils. it provides methods to run training and inference Tensorflow job in Flink. All the methods in TFUtils takes a TFClusterConfig, which contains information about the number of the workers and ps, the entrypoint of the worker and ps and properties for the framework, etc. The entrypoint is a python function that consumes the data from Flink and train the model. It is where you build you model and run the training loop.
Here is an example that write the Flink job in Java and the entrypoint in python.
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =...
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv =...
StatementSet statementSet =...
Table sourceTable =...
final TFClusterConfig config = TFClusterConfig.newBuilder()
.setPythonEntry("...", "...")
.setProperty("input_types", "...")
TFUtils.train(statementSet, sourceTable, config);
Note: We need to specify the "input_types" in the TFClusterConfig
. It is a
comma seperated string of data types (e.g., "FLOAT_32,FLOAT32"). The data types
should match the data types of the input table. You can check
the data type mapping.
The setPythonEntry
should specify to the path and the function
name train_entry
of the following python script.
def train_entry(context):
tf_context = TFContext(context)
cluster = tf_context.get_tf_cluster_config()
os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps({
'cluster': cluster,
'task': {'type': tf_context.get_node_type(),
'index': tf_context.get_index()}
strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy()
with strategy.scope():
model = ...
def parse_csv(value):
x, y =, record_defaults=[[0.], [0.]])
return x, y
dataset = tf_context.get_tfdataset_from_flink().map(parse_csv).batch(32), epochs=10)
The training script above, configure the environment variable for distributed training, read the sample data from Flink and train a Tensorflow model. If your training script depends on some third party dependencies, you can check out the Dependency Management.
After model training, you can use the trained model to perform inference on a
Flink table. You can use the PyFlink udf to do inference same as the example
in Python API or use the TFUtils#inference
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env =...
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv =...
StatementSet statementSet =...
Table sourceTable =...
final TFClusterConfig config =
.setProperty("input_types", "...")
.setProperty("output_types", "...")
.setNodeEntry("...", "...")
Schema outputSchema = ...
Table output = TFUtils.inference(statementSet, sourceTable, config, outputSchema);
statementSet.addInsert(TableDescriptor.forConnector("print").build(), output);
Note: We need to specify the "input_types" and "output_types" in
the TFClusterConfig
. They are comma seperated strings of data types
(e.g., "FLOAT_32,FLOAT32"). The "input_types" should match the data types of the
input table and the "output_types" should match the data types of the output
table. You can check the data type mapping.
The setPythonEntry
should specify the path and the function
name inference_entry
of the following python script.
def inference_entry(context):
tf_context = TFContext(context)
model_save_path = ...
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_save_path)
dataset = tf_context.get_tfdataset_from_flink().map(
lambda value:, record_defaults=[[0.]]).batch(1)
writer = tf_context.get_row_writer_to_flink()
for x_tensor, in dataset:
y = model.predict(x_tensor)[0][0]
x_val = x_tensor.numpy()[0]
writer.write(Row(x=x_val, y=y))
The end-to-end examples of Java API can be found here with Tensorflow 1.15 and here with Tensorflow 2.
DL on Flink defines a set of data types that is used to bridge between the Flink data type and Tensorflow data type. Here is the table of the mapping. Other data types are unsupported currently.
DL on Flink | Flink | Tensorflow |
FLOAT_32 | FLOAT | float32 |
FLOAT_64 | DOUBLE | float64 |
INT_32 | INTEGER | int32 |
INT_64 | BIGINT | int64 |
STRING | STRING | string |