This tutorial provides a quick introduction to using Deep Learning on Flink. This guide will show you how to download and install the latest stable version of Deep Learning on Flink. You will run a simple Flink job locally to train a linear model.
- Java: 8
- Python: 3.7
- Flink: 1.14
- TensorFlow: 1.15
We strongly recommend using virtualenv or other similar tools for an isolated Python environment.
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv --python=python3.7
source venv/bin/activate
Download a stable release of Flink 1.14, then extract the archive:
curl -LO
tar -xzf flink-1.14.4-bin-scala_2.11.tgz
Please refer to guide for more detailed step of downloading or installing Flink.
You can download the stable released binary release of Deep Learning on Flink, then extract the archive:
curl -LO
tar -xzf dl-on-flink-dist-0.5.0-bin.tgz
export DL_ON_FLINK_DIR="${PWD}"/./dl-on-flink-dist-0.5.0
Navigate to the extracted directory, you should see the following directory layout:
Directory | Meaning |
lib/ |
Directory containing the Deep Learning on Flink JARs compiled |
examples/ |
Directory containing examples. |
In order to run Deep Learning on Flink job, we need install the python dependency with pip.
Install the latest stable release of dl-on-flink-framwork
python3 -m pip install --upgrade dl-on-flink-framework
Install the latest stable release of dl-on-flink-tensorflow
python3 -m pip install --upgrade dl-on-flink-tensorflow
In this example, we use two workers to train the model. Thus, there has to be
at least 2 slots available in the Flink cluster. To do that, you should
config the taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots
at config/flink-config.yaml
to 2
with the following command.
cd flink-1.14.4
sed -i.bak 's/taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 1/taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 2/' ./conf/flink-conf.yaml
Usually, starting a local Flink cluster by running the following command is enough for this quick start guide.
You should be able to navigate to the web UI at
to view the Flink dashboard and see that
the cluster is up and running.
The examples are included in the binary release. You can run the following command to submit the Deep Learning on Flink job to train the linear model.
export MODEL_PATH="${PWD}"/./linear
# Stream Training
./bin/flink run \
-py "${DL_ON_FLINK_DIR}"/examples/linear/tensorflow/ \
--jarfile "${DL_ON_FLINK_DIR}"/lib/dl-on-flink-tensorflow-0.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
--model-path "${MODEL_PATH}"
# Batch Training with 5120 samples for 100 epochs
./bin/flink run \
-py "${DL_ON_FLINK_DIR}"/examples/linear/tensorflow/ \
--jarfile "${DL_ON_FLINK_DIR}"/lib/dl-on-flink-tensorflow-0.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
--model-path "${MODEL_PATH}" \
--epoch 100 \
--sample-count 5120
After the job is submitted successfully, you should see the job at running state in the Flink web ui.
If the job is finished, you will see the model saved at $MODEL_PATH
Now you can submit another Flink job to use the trained linear model to do inference.
./bin/flink run \
-py "${DL_ON_FLINK_DIR}"/examples/linear/tensorflow/ \
--model-path "${MODEL_PATH}"