MaxMind GEO Reports Application
Usage: geo-report [OPTIONS]... [ACCESS.LOG FILE] Parse an Apache log file and output reports stored in the "sql_reports.js" file.
Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
Options | Description |
-h, --help | this help page |
-m, --mmdb | Optional - full filename for MaxMind geo city mmdb database defaults to "./db/GeoLite2-City.mmdb". |
-f, --format | Optional - output format for repots. Valid options: "json", "text" defaults to "json". |
Requirements / Disclaimer: The geo-report appliction was tested using Linux / Mac which by default include Sqlite. Code has not been tested on Windows.
Setup: This is a node.js application, source code does not include the node module dependencies. Must run "npm install" from root folder prior to executing "geo-report.js" to install node dependencies. Make sure geo-report has execute permissions - Example "chmod +x geo-report"
Usage: "geo-reports" can be run via unix/linux shell.
1. Node.js: node geo-reports.js -l "path-to-access.log-file" -m "optional-path-to-mmdb-geo-database" -f "optional-format-[json, text]"
2. Bash: ./geo-reports -l "path-to-access.log-file" -m "optional-path-to-mmdb-geo-database" -f "optional-format-[json, text]"
Defaults: Default option values can be configured via the config/defaults.json file.
Report Templates: Reports are stored in lib/sql_reports file. To add additional reports, append JSON object to the reports array using the following format: { title: "report title", sql: "report query" }
Sqlite Schema: The following fields are used to store the Apache access.log file and geo meta data and can be queried for additional reports. Data is volatile and will be destroyed on exit.
ipv4 VARCHAR(15),
user VARCHAR(50),
timestamp DATETIME,
http_method VARCHAR(10),
resource text,
http_version NUMERIC,
http_status INT,
http_size INT,
client text,
geo_city VARCHAR(50),
geo_state_short VARCHAR(50),
geo_state_full VARCHAR(50),
geo_country VARCHAR(50),
geo_continent VARCHAR(50)