To install, put it somewhere and add the path to your extras folder
To use the JIRA module (or for things to even work with it in the path) you need to add the following to your ~/.phenny/ file:
jira_baseurl = ""
jira_username = "user"
jira_password = "pass""
jira_projects = ["PROJ1","PROJ2"]
jira_channels = ["#chan1", "#chan2"]
jira_mappings = {"status":{
}, "priority": {
confluence_baseurl = ""
confluence_username = "user"
confluence_password = "pass"
confluence_searchresults = 8
# This should be the github project to search when a hashtag is seen
github_project = "firebreath/FireBreath"
The JIRA module was adapted from Sean B. Palmer and can also be found in his repo.
To use the github module, you'll want to set the default branch and the project in your, like so:
github_project = "2600hz/bluebox"
github_defaultbranch = "master"
You first need to install the github2 python module:
sudo easy_install github2
The bot will automatically see any hash tags of at least 7 characters and do a lookup on the github repo; it will report the commit message (up to 60 chars) and a shortened URL to the commit.
To search for a file, use the syntax "!findfile (regex)". For example:
!findfile MyClassName\.(h|cpp)
!findfile SomeCoolFileName
To list all pull requests currently open in your project, use:
git pull request
The github module also supports ctags lookup.
tagfile = "/Users/richard/code/phenny/os_projectbot/bluebox/tags"
You first need to install the python-ctags module:
sudo easy_install github2
Then to search for a tag, use "!find (search string)". For example::
!find ClassName
!find MethodName
The IRCCat module is mostly compatible with IRCCat. It is known to work with the github webhook endpoint included in this project and with the irccat JIRA listener plugin from
To use it, add the following to your
irccat_host = ""
irccat_port = 54321
This will start a listener on port 54321 on localhost (so it isn't reachable from outside your box) that is generally compatible with irccat.
Example tuned for the 2600hz Bluebox project