See the wiki for documentation.
And the Navigator repo for other details.
- Expected tools to be installed in system
- Git []
- Apache Cordova []
- Node.js / NPM (node package manager) []
- Grunt []
- Create project and download plugins & content:
cordova create "navigator-wrapper" "fi.hsl.navigator" "HSL Navigator"
cd navigator-wrapper
cordova platform add android
cordova plugin add
cd www
del /f /s /q *.* (windows) || rm -rf * (linux)
git clone .
npm install
- Cordova plugin to add all dependencies []
- Server component for push notifications []
- Youtube video:
All the source code in this repository that is not licensed by the fork source, is licensed with MIT open source license. The software code is provided "as is" and is free for use in any open source applications.