Url shortener app with an API + web frontend, made in Python using Django and its ORM model, featuring a user panel where links are managed, custom paths, and QR code generation. Deployed with the CDK for Terraform on Azure Container Apps and more
Using the free tier of Azure Container Apps and the Azure SQL free offer this project can be deployed for free:
The project structure is split into two, the app folder which was created using this django template:
django-admin startproject urlshortener
cd urlshortener
python manage.py startapp webapp
and the cdktf folder which was created using this cdktf template:
cdktf init --template=python --providers=azurerm
This application comes with an API which it interally uses, the available routes are
url/<str:path> - GET
This endpoint is used for checking if a given path exists in the url shortener database, sending a GET request to it will return a json response in the form of{
'url': str | False,
'note': str | None
For example
curl -X GET
{"url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/filipopo", "note": ""}
url - POST
This endpoint is used for inserting a new row into the url shortener database, sending a POST request to it will return a json response in the form of{
'message': str | Form.errors,
'url': bool
The data to send is of this type
url: forms.URLField(max_length=255)
path: forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=255)
note: forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=255)
For example
csrf=$(curl -s -c - | awk 'NR == 5 {print $7}') \
curl -b "csrftoken=${csrf}" -H "X-CSRFToken: ${csrf}" -d "url=https://example.com"
{"message": "", "url": true}
Regardless of how you deploy this app, there are some environment variables that should be set in production, for development you don't need to set anything and default debug options will be used
Environment variables
For production you should turn off the debug mode, set a secret key and which domains the app will be served fromDJANGO_KEY=(secret key)
To generate the secret key you can use a service like https://djecrety.ir/ or a password manager, note that it should be at least 50 characters
Setting DB_EXTERNAL=true
will allow you to set the following, with the default values:
Otherwise, a db.sqlite3
file will be created at the root of the project (where manage.py is)
See the app/urlshortener/settings.py
file for more info
There are several options for installing the app, here is a non exhaustive list:
CDK for Terraform
For this approach you will need cdktf-cli: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/cdktf/cdktf-install
In addition to the application environment variables, you should provide the following from the Azure Portal when running the cdktf commands, if you omit the docker image it will use the default value
If you have the SQL free offer. run ckdtf synth
then import the resources into the Terraform state in the cdktf.out/stacks/urlshortener-stack folder, for example
terraform import resource.azurerm_mssql_server.SqlServer /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/url-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/urlshortener
terraform import azurerm_mssql_database.Database /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/url-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/urlshortener/databases/urlshortener
Running ckdtf deploy
will deploy this application to Azure, cdktf destroy
will delete the provisioned resources
mode, afer the deploy you need to upload the static files to Azure SWA. The easiest way is to run sh swa.sh
. the CI/CD pipleine of this repository does this automatically after deploys
For this approach you will need Docker: https://www.docker.com
Running docker compose up
will build the Dockerfile in the current directory and start 3 containers, the python app, a mssql database and an nginx static file server (available at filipmania/nginx:latest
Alternatively, you can run just the python app:
First pull docker pull filipmania/urlshortener:latest
or build docker build -t urlshortener:latest .
the docker image
Then run it
docker run --name urlshortener -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8000:8000 urlshortener:latest
If you're building for the cloud, make sure you build for the right platform e.g --platform linux/amd64
and if you're building for mssql include --build-arg BUILD=mssql
A version with nginx baked into one container is available with --build-arg BUILD=nginx
. allowing for DJANGO_DEBUG=false
in a minimal setup. Prebuilt images with these arguments are also available e.g filipmania/urlshortener:mssql
Manual installation
For this approach you will need Python (and pip): https://www.python.org/ additionally, if you plan on using mssql you will need unixodbc and msodbcsql
When running these steps it's recommended to create a virtual environment: python -m venv venv
the VE can be activated: source venv/bin/activate
and deactivated: deactivate
To get started install the dependencies, you may skip mssql if you don't plan on using it
pip install -r requirements.txt requirements-mssql.txt
Then this command to apply the database migrations
python manage.py migrate
Now you're ready to start the server, you may use the built in development server
python manage.py runserver
or gunicorn which is used in the docker image
gunicorn urlshortener.wsgi
in which case you will also need to gather static files, even in debug mode
python manage.py collectstatic
If you started the app locally you can see it at
Otherwise visit your domain e.g https://example.com/
The first registered user will be an admin, to instead create the admin user manually run this from the root of the project
python manage.py createsuperuser
Then you will be able to login with those credentials at https://example.com/admin/
When changing the database model run this command to create a migration file, then run the migrate command
python manage.py makemigrations webapp
This project was tested with Python 3.13, Terraform 1.9.5, and django 5.0.9, if you encounter any errors with newer versions do try to patch them up