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eturk edited this page Feb 27, 2012 · 2 revisions

Wallpapers are the background for the clock. The following criteria is considered when selecting a background.

  1. How distracting is it? If it is a video and it's moving a lot, you might not want it.
  2. Size. It will only show a 1024 by 800 block of the image (from the top-right). If it's huge and the focal point is in the center, you won't see it.
  3. Color. The text of the time and date is white, so if it is too bright, you can't see it.

You can create and activate a new wallpaper by doing the following.

  1. Click "Wallpapers" in the main navigation (top-right).
  2. Fill in a name for the wallpaper.
  3. Select a file. Supported file types are *.jpg, *.gif, and *.png.
  4. Click "Create". It will take a little bit to upload the file.
  5. Click "Activate" on the wallpaper to use it.
  6. Click "Home" and then "Refresh".

Enabling a video (for advanced users only).

On certain occasions, it may be worth it to use a video as the wallpaper. Please choose something appropriate and get the URL of it.

This is very hacky and a work in progress. If you're not comfortable, don't attempt this.

1. SSH into the clock.

With one of the Macs, SSH into the clock.

ssh -l clock [email protected]
cd /var/www/fhsclock

2. Download the file into the directory tree.

cd public/videos
wget [URL]

3. Edit the configuration.

cd ../..
nano .fhsclock.yml

Change the video: portion to reflect the files.

4. Restart the clock.


5. Once you're done, revert changes.

To get rid of any merge conflicts in the future, revert the current tree.

git stash
git stash clear