Releases: fga-eps-mds/2019.2-Git-Breakdown
Releases · fga-eps-mds/2019.2-Git-Breakdown
Ranking for users!
we got it!
Access the latest version on the Chrome Store
To access the repository and keep track of new GitBreakdown features
New Features
- user ranking
- new login
- avatar with photo
- comparison of each user
- weight evaluation for each metric
New features new issues
- analyze repository health by time
- plot comparison charts
- separate information by date
- improve desing
so far it's sprint 11
Graph and more graph
we got it!
Access the latest version on the Chrome Store
To access the repository and keep track of new GitBreakdown features
New Features
- plugin display page with all graphics
- page layout for future comparison charts
- start of rankings by user
- login and logout by own extension
New features new issues
- new ranking microservice
- adapt existing microservices with time analysis
- user requirements for weight analysis of each metric
so far it's sprint 10
All graphics and extension icons
We got it
Access the latest version on the Chrome Store
To access the repository and keep track of new GitBreakdown features
New features added
- issue
- commit
- pull request
- branch
icon redirecting to extension page
New problems
- Set a repository and user ranking
- metrics be analyzed by weight and time
- Graphics are not in the icon but in the plugin
so far it's sprint 7
API Gateway and visual graph
At this point, the project contains the minimum required to perform a repository integrity summary.
Working from API Gateway and microservice to issues, public relations, branches and commits.
First graphs built, extension login.
So far can only be used for google chrome.